Hiya Altairboy
The following is an article for your most excellent site. Keep up the good work!
Thanks very much to Sean for his article on CB2000 security fix ( http://www.tpe.com/~altarboy/nt000507.htm) - an inspired idea.
I've tried this, but instead of cutting one of the rings, I just turned the ring upside down - this gives the CB a large loop on the top (looks like a carrying handle!)
You can see on the picture how I thought to exploit that loop - l've put a
vibrator into the hole! Since the (rubber lined) vibrator is wedged tightly
into the hole, it transmits its vibrations throughout the CB, which gives
quite a nice feeling :-)
You can tell from the brightness of the light on the control panel in my hand that the vib was on full power when I took the pic.
And of course, the ring (into which the vib is placed) protrudes into the gap that I've been able to use to pull my cock out of the CB. It does feel more secure than previously, thought I've not found yet whether it's undefeatable.
If you're interested, the CB is from www.cb-2000.com, the vibrator from Good Vibrations at www.goodvibes.com (it's a "Red Rider Plug") and you can see more pics of my cb2000 pics at the bottom of http://www.mortice.org/pic_apr00.htm though be warned, other pics there are quite rude!
At some point I'll put together a more complete description of my experience with the CB-2000.
PS - a while after I started writing this message, I did manage to pull my cock out of that arrangement, though I couldn't get it back in again, and the CB was still locked onto my balls.
Mortice Deadlock
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Page last updated 00-May-28 by: Altairboy@aol.com