Hi Altairboy
Please keep my address confidential. I'm sending you a review and JPEGs of my belt that may be of interest to your readers.
I ordered the belt from Silver and Steel in mid January, and received it about 6 weeks later. The design has changed from the review already published, and all the adjustment has been deleted, so make sure you get your measurements right! The belt is now about 1" wide and hinged on the right, with the padlock fastening on the left. The cage for the genitals now seems made to be more comfortable than the previous version, with the penis pressed into a channel formed from a series of round-section bars by the pressure of the balls from behind. The genitals have to be persuaded through a triangular opening at the back of the compartment, which is curved to lie against the pelvis. Getting my balls in took me about 10 minutes first time, but I can do it quite fast now, and they don't jam when trying to get it off. Once through, the balls hang free, with only the penis confined. I can touch the tip of my penis, but I can't masturbate. A thin curved rod is pivoted at the back of the cage and leads up through the buttocks, pressing slightly on the anus and leading to a metal strip which in turn pivots on the back of the belt.
Quality is so-so: it's sturdy and secure, but it's not polished and there are sharp edges left from the guillotine that cut the stainless steel strips. Not a problem given the price, and I was able to neaten up the edges with a couple of yards of car door trim.
When I got the belt it was very uncomfortable as all the measurements seemed too small. I could only wear it for a few minutes. I decided that most of the problems could be fixed by lengthening the bar over the arse. Unfortunately the hooks at the end broke when I tried to pry them open. I replaced it with some flexible plastic rod of similar diameter which I was able to heat to be able to bend it through the pivot loops used by the old rod, then weld it to itself. Making it about an inch longer made a huge difference! Security is barely compromised, since I can't get a cutting tool to the rod, and I'd still be locked in even if I cut it. Still, I'll replace it with metal rod when I find something suitable. I could also do with letting out the belt about an inch, which I'll do by cutting the belt at the front and grafting in a short section. At the moment I can sleep for about 6 hours in it, but I have to take it off after that.
The only other problem remaining is with my penis wrapped around my balls I sometimes find it difficult to piss - not sure if this will be a problem in the long run.
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Page last updated 98-May-02 by: Altairboy@aol.com