Adjusting a Walter Goethals CBelt

Submitted by: Rudi

When I ordered my Walter Goethals Chastity Belt, the deluxe version was not yet available. So, I ordered the standard belt with the polished finish. This belt can be seen on your pages in complete (wonderful) detail. Thanks for your efforts. Our "community" would have a lot more problems without your most excellent work. For sure!

In the beginning I found a lot of problems with my belt as it was my first one. The pressure on the pubic bone was only one of them. It is somehow difficult to bring the belt to a perfect fit without to much pressure at some places.

But now I am able to report that I finally got rid of most of the problems. After a lot of trial and error, I can proudly present :) my procedure to you. My successful procedure follows:

The result of these adjustments was an immense decrease in the pressure against the pubic bone and in all a better (perfect?) fit. Even sitting on a chair for hours is not such a problem as it was before. Part of the "pubic bone pressure" is taken from my belly now. However a light and good bearable pressure remains.

With these adjustments, I solved all problems of swelling or pinching and chafing too. The only still unsolved problem is my semi erect penis and the resulting pressure from the tube itself. By the way, my penis is not premium sized, it is more a small one.

I am not sure, if my adjustment procedure is transferable to the deluxe design, but if the only difference between these two designs is the locking mechanism, there is at least a chance.

Maybe it would not be the worst idea to collect and to publish different adjustment experiences and advice to owners of the Goethals Belt.

Let me know, if there are some open questions. I will try to answer as good as my knowledge of Your language allows. Oh, what a sentence!

Have a nice and day,


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