The longest period which I wore my belt was 90 days. Originally it was a 60 day sentence but because of behavioral problems I had at the time, this was extended several times and became 90 days continuous. I was fairly confident that My Master would not hold out for the full term, so I consoled myself with that initially. But I did go the whole way!
If I am permitted to say so, the first few days were the worst because I was shocked and excited at the same time, and not at all sure if my sexual appetite could withstand such deprivation, although I was of course permitted to give My Master blow-jobs which I got better at as the tension mounted for personal satisfaction.
The back bar belt is a complete seal to both the clit and the vagina as well as any possible anal penetration. However, I was able to have mild clit stimulation with a power shower through the double protective shield at the front by aiming the showerhead sideways and allowing the water to 'beat' against my pierced clit ring. I suppose that sounds pretty crude but what is a girl to do?
As far as keeping myself clean, I wouldn't like to imply that I am not always naturally very clean anyway, but during that period I was extra extra clean, requiring four or five visits to the bidet each day, plus a visit after each trip to the loo. It sounds from the descriptions to the belt I have read on the net that poo would get barred by the back bar. This is not the case. My bar will move about a half centimeter left and right and I just pulled it against my cheek. A tissue and then a douche in the bidet was all that was needed. Much more hygienic than tissue alone. When we were away from home I would simply bathe using a handful of tissue wetted with tap water until I was clean.
Feminine hygiene during a period is critical and although I once wore internal tampons, I was put off this form of protection by a spate of toxic shock stories in the papers a few years ago, and resorted back to towels even before I wore a belt regularly. My Master had an outer shield put on my belt (which hides the labia lips) although my labia does hang outside the crotch strap. During a monthly cycle while wearing my belt, it is important to bathe, douche or bidet my bits more regularly than normal, but again wet tissue and the shower head are always very handy, and I was allowed to wear knickers over my belt if we were going to a restaurant or somewhere that a shower would not be available. Pack lots of spare tissues is my advice and keep clean!!
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