The Costs of Post-Marital Masturbation - Part 3

Submitted by: Laura, the Controlling Wife
[ Back to part 2 ]

Jeffery began to accept his role as house maid and sexual submissive when he realized that he had everything to lose. What he didn't realize is that he also has everything to gain through this relationship. As a man, he could not yet fully conceive the benefits of chastity and my control in the relationship.

As previously stated, the women is the controlling expert on the relationship, and she arranges and controls the marriage.

A woman is gifted with intuition, sensuality, and sexual control. She needs no device to keep her honest. In fact, she does not have to be honest, because she is constantly exploring her sexuality to enhance and direct the relationship. Her sexually explorative exploits are unselfish in nature, and they are exclusively for the best interest of the relationship.

Her training begins from birth, in the way she is treated and regarded, in the way she is taught to speak, dress, and act. She is trained from the beginning to be emotionally express, e.g., to lightly whine, to cry, to laugh, to smile, to be cheerful in the face of any situation. She is well-rounded in every area of social and emotional being. She is taught to be warm, caring, committed, discriminating in her choices, assertive in her beliefs and choices, and in control of the relationship elements.

Men are taught to be arrogant, overly-aggressive, and self-satisfying, e.g., masturbation. Men never can be mature enough to lead a relationship because they are not given the education or tools to make commitments, to show self-restraint, to focus on the development of the essential elements of the relationship. Men don't cry or show emotion. They don't truly emphasize, or possess feminine expressiveness..they are not mentally or physically capable.

In order for the relationship to be success, I must take absolute control. I will not tolerate insensitivity, homophobia, aggressiveness, cursing, drinking, drug abuse, or offensive or politically incorrect and insensitive behavior, language, or thoughts.

Through chastity, Jeffery will be restricted to reading female magazines and writings, forbidden from viewing pornography of any kind, or using the computer and watching television, expect for those websites and shows of which I approve. Oxygen will be his homepage, and WE television will be is primary viewing channel.

Also, as time progresses, he will be placed in female situations to make him empathetic to women and the challenges that face them. For one, he will know how high-heels feel, what is required through shaving, makeup, hair, nails, color coordination, and very restricted diet and exercise-a daily reality for the beautiful and fit woman.

Finally, he will be required to understand what it takes to please a man. He will have to develop a relationship with a man, get into his head and understand what pleases him; how to dress for him to look pretty for him. And, he will be forced to orally please a man. These things are necessary for him to understand what a woman goes through in daily life. He will have to attend baseball games and other men's hobbies and activities with his man, in order to learn what women go through to attain and maintain a relationship. When this course is completed, he will give further understanding and support to my approach toward relationships and our relationship.

Chastity is the key to facilitate these goals, over a protracted period of training.

Jeffery will learn to understand the importance of compromise in relationships in every day life; he will use the pronoun "We" in every sentence. He will learn to understand why woman must be nice to mothers-in-law and other relatives, regardless of the feelings toward these people.

To be a lady is difficult, and he will experience being a lady. Through this course, he will understand why women control the relationship.they are superior, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, and socially.

Until he learns, his chastity regime will continue, uninterrupted.

[ Story continues in part 4 ]
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Page last updated 02-Jun-02 by: