Lori's Acrylic Chastity TubeReview Submitted by: billieWell I never thought I’d do this, but my Mistress has asked for, and so it was done! Here is my review of Mistress Lori’s new and improved "Acrylic Chastity Tube".
It came in a nice little package that included the tube, both an acrylic pin and a steel pin for my piercing, both a steel ring and an acrylic ring, two locks with three keys each (the locks are even smoothed out so no sharp corners etc.) and a bunch of plastic numbered locks. So you see, you can even be sent on a airplane trip all safe and secure. Yes, that Mistress Lori has us well in hand. But this does leave all kinds of options open to a creative key holder. One option might be that for a special occasion your key holder may secure you with just the ring and put a nice piece of jewelry in your piercing. The only problem was that the steel ring was a bit to big. Mistress Lori is resizing it for the cost of S/H. There is another little invention that Mistress Lori has to add to your frustration. Your key holder can still fully enjoy you while you get no satisfaction from it. It is a sheath that looks like a penis that goes right on over your tube. The wearer gets no sensation while the user can ride til her harts content. Isn’t Mistress Lori just a barrel of fun! As far as piercing goes, I do recommend it. If your going to be in a chastity device, it is the most comfortable way to go and when nothing is in the piercing, no one can tell your pierced. The pain is intense, but brief. If your tired of trying this and trying that, than just do it and get it over with. No one knows about my piercing unless I want them to. It’s not a problem. The price is reasonable compared to other stuff out there. $190 for the tube and $85 for the sheath. She has many other style tubes and devices as well that are made of various metals. We will probably invest in more of her products as budget permits. Mistress Lori is very pleasant to deal with. In fact, at times I thought I deserved and wanted a scolding from her, but she never did. So go on and check out her site. You will be sorry, but your key holder will be thrilled. billie
[ Back to product review page ] Page last updated 02-Feb-10 by: Altairboy@aol.com |