CB-2000 Comments

Submitted by: Anonymous in Canada

Hi Altairboy:

I thought I would drop you a line. I have had my cb2000 for a month now and in all honesty my relationship with my wife has improved a 100% thank you :)

The real reason I am e-mailing is I thought perhaps you would like to add my comments to your "reviews" page. (Please leave out my name and email).

I have been just ecstatic with my new cb2000. The job I do is all bush work - logging/sivlaculture and the demands it puts on my body in terms activity are immense, constantly on the move up and down over and under logs and slash on steep ground all day. My cb2000 has hung in there and given me no problems at all. I am suitably impressed and know that I made the correct choice in purchasing it. I don't think there is another chasity device that could have done it. I would also like to say how helpful and fast the delivery was. I was amaze!

PS: My wife now thinks all men should have to wear one. Thanks to the folks at cb2000, it has definately changed our lives for the better :)

From the Canadian North Country

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Page last updated 01-Jun-14 by: Altairboy@aol.com