The Latowski male chastity belt.Submitted by: exco{CZ}What is the Latowski chastity belt?
A Latowski chastity belt is a belt made from stainless steel that completely covers penis, scrotum and buttocks much like a pair of bikini style men's briefs, but now made from stainless steel. They actually look quite sexy. This belt is named after its manufacturer, Mario Latowski, a metalworker living in Germany. The picture at the left shows you the belt as seen from behind and right of the belt. The belt consists of a front and a back piece. These pieces are
connected between your legs by a crotch hinge. The picture at the right shows
the belt in an open position. The left part is the front while the back piece
is at the right of the picture.You get into the Latowski belt by positioning
the open belt between your legs, firmly pressing the belt halves upwards
against your body, and then closing the front and back piece together in a
pincers like movement. This means that your body actually is clamped between
the two parts.
In the genital area, a different technique is necessary. The human anatomy is such that in this region it is almost impossible to prevent an edge of the stainless steel front from cutting into the body. It is also an area where you need a very tight fit for security purposes. To solve this, Latowski uses a casting out of silicone rubber that goes between the body and the stainless steel front piece. It fills the lower part of the front piece and contains two chambers for your penis and scrotum. The casting can easely be seen on the photos. It is the light-blue-gray part. Since the casting is somewhat larger than the lower part of the stainless steel front piece, the casting is pressed against your lower body and keeps the steel edges far enough away from your body that the stainless steel shell does not cut into your groin area. Your penis and scrotum are completely covered by the silicone rubber. This keeps your private parts nicely warm, even in cold winters. One can't be measured for a Latowski belt, since its form is completely three-dimensional. Since steel does not bend like cloth, a Latowski belt has to be shaped around you as you stand before the craftsman so to speak. A few measurements would never give enough information for this process to be successful. If you want a Latowski belt then you have to pay the manufacturer a visit, and travel to Germany. Latowski uses a kind of templates, front and back pieces of different sizes that are connected not by the normal hinge but rather by a lace. A pair of laces replaces the locking mechanism in the waist area as well. Mario starts the fitting process by first looking for the template that comes the closest to your body type. As you put on this mold template (still without casting), you start to realize what it will be like to wear a Latowski belt. Mario Latowski then works with you to get a good fit, and makes notes on where and how much he should alter the form of these templates. The Latowski belt gives you some tolerance in the fit. The major adjustment is that the lock on either site can be locked in two different positions. This allows you to compensate for some variations in body weight.
Luckily this was not a big problem for Latowski. He simply replaced the locking plates at both sites with two somewhat larger plates. This took him less that half an hour. I went home with a belt custom fitted to me, even though still very tight. In my humble opinion it is wise to plan a second trip to Mario Latowski, just to pick up the belt, unless you know a kinky black smith that is willing to modify a not so well fitting belt. Can you actually wear this belt for a longer period of time?The short answer is: yes. I started to wear my new belt 24/7 right after I got it for a period of 18 days without interruption. And after I got used to wearing this belt (after a training period of almost 3 months), I am quite sure that I can wear this belt for an unlimited period of time. The longer answer is: yes you can,. However it is not as easy as my other belts from Tollyboy and AD. And this simply is because the Latowski belt limits you body movements more than other belts. Remember, your lower body is completely enclosed in inflexible stainless steel. You therefore can't twist or bend much in the area covered by the belt.
Sitting is somewhat more difficult. This is partly due to the fact that the belt forces you to sit straight. Moreover, when sitting for one to several hours, the belt starts to hurt a bit (a burning or cutting feeling) in the groin area. I have to stand up and walk about a little after I have been sitting for more than an hour. . This problem decreases as the weeks go by. For most people, I assume the irritation will eventually disappear as they get completely used to wearing the belt. The irritation in the groin area was a constant problem in the first few days that I got my belt. With other belts I owned I was able to correct this type of small irritations by bending the belt a bit., Due to its 3 dimensional shape of the Latowski belt, it can't be bended as easily as the Tollyboy's or AD's. For example, it is very difficult although not impossible to decrease the pressure to the body in the groin area just a little bit. Therefore, it really is important that a Latowski belt does fit you right from the start. The design simply doesn't leave you much space to correct the fit later on. Toilet functions while wearing the belt are not really a problem. The ring around the anus is large enough and is located at the right place. When something might go wrong using some extra toilet paper solves the problem. My experiences in this respect with my Tollyboy were worse. In my Tollyboy, I only defecated at home where I can shower afterwards. In my Latowski belt, although a shower still could be enjoyable, such a precaution is not necessary. Of course, one sits while urinating, the same as with the other belts. However, with the Latowski belt it is quite difficult to get rid of the last drop of urine. I do not usually totally succeed, and therefore I use panty liners to catch the last drop. Although the Latowski belt has provisions to rinse the penis with water by means of very small canals in the casting and a syringe, this works only when in the shower and not during normal toilet visits. I also made a small plug that I use during the night to stop up the urine hole at the bottom of the belt, to eliminate leakage. Of the three belts I have worn, the Neosteel, Tollyboy and the Latowski, the Latowski belt is definitely the most secure. Actually I can't image how a belt could be more secure than a Latowski belt. In this belt, your genitals are simply inaccessible, period. They can't be touched, so they can't be stimulated. It is this simple. I even tried to go one step further. I attempted to stimulate my genitals with the aid of a vibrator. The silicone casting simply damped the vibrations before they could reach any sensitive spots. With what other belt can you do this? If you get desperate when forced to stay chaste for a prolonged period of time, the Latowski belt could easily drive you nuts. With this belt there is no way to force an orgasm. For me, my Latowski belt is the sexiest looking belt on the market. It is the most secure chastity device I have ever tried, period! I have more pictures of my Latowski chastity briefs on my website. Click on my nick to enter.
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