I've been a chastity belt fan and an avid visitor of your web site for many years. Recently, I purchased a CB2000 and I have an observation and a question or two that maybe your readers can help me out with.
I was able to 'remove' myself from the CB2000 while locked on, so I installed one of the rings of intrigue but that proved to be too irritating and I could not wear the device for more than a couple of hours at a time. I came up with an idea to prevent 'escape' that so far has worked for me.
I removed the 'teeth' from one of the rings of intrigue with my dremmel, and sanded it smooth. I then took a piece of two-sided sticky foam and applied it to the the inner surface of the ring of intrigue. I then put on the CB2000 and now escape is impossible. The foam is a from a Bard external catheter and seemingly should have to be changed every couple of days. I don't think this arrangement is dangerous because the foam is designed to be in contact with my male anatomy anyway.
I'm thinking about installing the male catheter on myself when using the CB2000. This should allow me to urinate while standing.
Here are my questions:
Thanks for the wonderful site!
Sign me: lockmeinchastity@aol.com
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Page last updated 00-Dec-02 by: Altairboy@aol.com