Thank you for all your information in your site. My partner and I decided to get chastity belts for Christmas and after studying all the information, we picked the Cock Cuff from Mr. S for beginners like us. We don't live together and we only see each other 3-4 times a week. Forced chastity will be interesting and exciting for us. The cock cuff is suitable for long term wearing and is ideal for hygiene care. Below are our findings and would like to share with all readers, please post our email too and we hope to meet some other guys who are into chastity control in our area.
We got so excited when we receive our cock cuff that afternoon and can't wait to put them on. We did have some difficulties when we tried to insert our harden dick into the tube. The cuff bit into our skin and get stuck with our hair when we engage the ratchet into the handcuff bow. This situation was improved after a few days as we get used to the positioning. The waist belt was too long and we have to cut a few inches away to make it not that bulky at our back. As we decided to wear it long term, we leave the crotch belt free from the padlock for natural calls. We replaced the padlock by a combination lock and we wrote down the combination and sealed it to give to our partner just in case of emergency. As the cuff is just a standard S&W model 100, we have access to keys very easily and we can uncuff our balls occasionally to make ourselves more comfortable. On our first wearing of the belt, we closed the cuff too tight and was a bit uncomfortable. We loosen it next day and the balls escaped from the cuff. Finally we found our correct position of the ratchet. Double locking of the cuff is a must as it may tighten accidentally. Urination is not a problem and we don't have to sit like a woman. Only thing is we have to wait for a room in the men's room. We did urinate in the public at one of the restaurant where most patrons were into kinky scenes and our cock tube and cuff was exposed and people were so interested about our CB and some of them even planned to order a set (shall I call Mr. S for commission?)
We have to go to shower with the belt and is no problem for us. The leather's color faded very much and we have to use a dry cloth to soak the excess water. We also have to use a hair dryer to blow dry it. We ordered the 3" tube and can hide perfectly under street clothes. Generally speaking, the cock cuff is an ideal device for beginners. If they can make an improvement to replace the leather by metal chains or other material, this will lengthen the life of the belt. The leather get wet and dry everyday and we think that the life of the leather may be limited to 2 years. Further more, as mentioned above, the cuff key is too common, if they can have custom made service by using non-standard handcuff key like S&W model 104 maximum security handcuff or some imported cuffs from Germany (Clejuso), this can enhanced the `Forced' chastity. With the cuff unlocked, we can easily pull our dick out of the tube but quite impossible to re-insert it. Our longest period of wearing it is for 84 hours and we still can handle it without any problem. For added fun, we used the little loop welded to the handcuff and tube as an `O' ring for extra bondage scene by passing a pair of handcuff through it.
Apart from the physical side, we felt totally belong to our partner emotionally. The cool metal tube reminds us that our penis is not reachable. The squeezed tightness of our balls and the tight fit of the waist belt also gave us a signal of ownership. Getting hard is a torture for us due to the angle of the tube pointing downwards. We have to stand still in the middle of the street and wait for the cock to cool down before making anymore steps as the cock's head rubbed against the pants when we walk. We got hard so frequently when we first wear the belt and the situation is getting better now. We also buckle the belt a bit looser and pulled down the tube a bit so that our dick is enclosed inside the tube to avoid too much contact of the dick's head to the pants. This against reminds us about the existence of our partner's control over ourselves.
After wearing the belt for about a month, we felt that it is part of our body now. We
locked each other up immediately after we finish with our necessary hygiene and fun.
We recommend this device for beginners and we are now looking towards something
more serious like Access Denied. As we are in Hong Kong and there are no shops
carrying chastity devices, we can only read from the net. Chastity control is still not
very popular here, maybe we can promote it more. If anyone has any experiences of
the Access Denied or similar degree devices, please share it with us.
PS: Here is a picture of how we insert the handcuff through the loop for extra control. Thanks and stay locked!
Howard & Brandon
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