On your page 'A question from a reader' (note0221.htm) a female chastity lock with a metal plate is described, called 'Burlesco Lock'. I never heard this name, but I have seen some devices that may be similar.
This picture is taken from the about two years
old German magazine 'Intim-Schmuck Nr. 6' (page 90f). It shows
three small devices that can be used to lock the labia lips. I
have never seen a woman wearing one of these devices. But I think
they can be used for long-term or permanent chastity without serious
comfort problems. For this purpose they must be fixed with rings
that can't be opened.
The address of the manufacturer of these devices written in the magazine is:
Intimschmuckstudio 'Bodygold'
Postfach 101246
63069 Offenbach
Tel. 069/64849178
This picture was taken from the German magazine
'Intim-Schmuck Nr. 7' (page 28), which came out in the middle
of 1996. It shows a small metal shield that can be used as a
chastity device. Therefore the labia lips protruding this shield
have to be fixed together with a small padlock or something else.
The address of the manufacturer of this and many similar devices is:
H. K. Design
Postfach 1109
41379 Brüggen
Tel. 02163/7170
Fax: 02163/6533
These two are also sold by H K Design.
I am interested receiving more information about these kinds of female
chastity devices and about the experiences of any women wearing them.
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Page last updated 97-Mar-04 by: Altairboy@aol.com