I recieved my Gotheals' Belt, last week, after a marathon wait which exceeded one year. I'm not certain why my belt was delayed so long, I have serial number 83, and I was contacted by another person who recieved number 89 more than four months ago.
It arrived while we were entertaining company, and I "buried" it for a few days. Two or three days passed before I told my SO that it had arrived. As soon as our visitors were gone, my Fiance called, and told me to put the belt on. She wanted a short review when She got home, and wanted to see it modeled.
The first time I put it on, I was afraid that I'd gained too much weight to fit into the belt. Suprisingly, though I've gained at least 10 pounds since the order was placed, my girth didn't present a problem. Walter designed the belt so that major weight changes are possible, without resizing the belt... the low dip towards the groin avoided my beer-belly entirely. The belt is tight, but not crippling... I can actually move around in it pretty freely.
From the outside, the belt isn't noticable when I'm standing (I normally wear un-tucked shirts) , but, when I'm sitting, the bulge seems to be horribly apparant. After arriving home, My Love said it looked as if I was wearing boxer shorts, and was "VERY happy to see her." I'd be frightened about wearing the belt to work without carefully choosen clothing. I suppose I'll need to do some shopping before I can be belted for any real duration.
The only physical problem I encountered, beyond frustration, was the downward pressure on my hip bones. Once the belt came off (about 3 hours, total) I was almost totally unscathed, though red-skinned for a few minutes. The only real damage was due to pinching myself in the groin area while trying to get the belt closed... I had drawn a small amount of blood, but with practice, that could be avoided..
During the time that I wore it, I worried about hygeine. It might be possible to defecate while wearing the belt, but I was doubtful that I'd be able to "wipe myself," afterwards. Depending on the meager urine drain holes provided is another idea that frightens me -- slots, instead of holes, would be a great improvement.
The "second wearing" came a couple of days later. This time, I had time, and made a few adjustments. I ended up changing the "butt-strap" to it's shortest setting... Walter kindly provides any tools you might need. I also used the lower set of holes to secure the straps (there are two sets of holes on the front plate.) My hope was that the belt would maintain a lower profile, and, perhaps align the hole in the back-strap with my anus. The change helped tremendously, and didn't make it much more uncomfortable... or, maybe it was just a little more familiar?
I wore the belt for about 5 hours (it wasn't locked, but my SO had asked me to wear it until she got home - another 3 or 4 hours.) Of course, I was pretty excited during this time. Whenever I began to soften, the feeling of being inside the tube aroused me again. Combined with Nivea cream, the sensation was direct stimulation, in itself. I was determined not to remove the belt, and being accustomed to masturbating at will, the frustration was driving me crazy.
Instead of attempting to accept it, I became obsessed with the frustration. Being a frequent masturbator, I felt a need to ejaculate. I leaned back in my chair, and found that the correct hip movements were very stimulating. Though it required a lot of time (and physical exertion) I was able to acheive an orgasm.
Rudy once wrote about the dissapointment he felt after his orgasm in his Goethals' belt. I share his dissapointment, but luckilly, I didn't need a key to free myself, and the US Postal Service isn't on strike. I'm not sure how I could've really cleaned up my mess without removing the belt, and I'm grateful that I could do that... it certainly wasn't a dry orgasm, and was difficult to clean, even with the belt removed.
My SO doesn't know about my orgasm, yet. I'm going to break it to her by showing her this letter. My Valentine's Day gift is naught, though the promise remains... I gave her control of my sexuality before the belt arrived, and if she desires, we'll find something that's effective. Also, I'll wear my Goethals' as she sees fit. I'm not sure how she'll feel about clamping me inside a "steel vagina," but, a promise is a promise :-)
I'm confidant that the belt, as designed, would prevent intercourse. If anyone actually needs a belt to save a marriage, this might be the one (but, a counselor would probably be more appropriate.) If orgasm control is the objective: your milage may vary, but, the belt seems to be ineffective. I over-came it (pun intended) within a few hours... I doubt the belt could restrain any healthy male for more than a couple of days.
I remember that Rudy had used liquid latex to downsize the tube... and he was still able to reach orgasm. Two other ideas which have occurred to me include mounting some of the abrasive part of velcro inside the tube (it should introduce some unpleasant friction if I tried to masturbate), and putting a pop-rivet in the tube. I'd be concerned about a pop rivet damaging the coating inside the tube, however.
Still Striving Towards Chastity,
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Page last updated 98-Jun-16 by: Altairboy@aol.com