I've been reading your Web page for a few months. It is truly excellent. Thank you very much for all the hard work.
I have been looking for a reasonably priced male chastity since discovering this place. I'd no idea there were so many serious options available After becoming educated, I was pretty sure I would have to go through the measuring process and the wait period and pay a bundle of bucks for an AD or Jones in order to get what I wanted, but now I am not so sure.
I saw Remy's ad for his
self-designed and manufactured article, and after
some exchanges with him, I ordered one. Delivery time was about two weeks
as promised.
The device consists of a metal tube and metal ring that goes behind the testicles and above the cock, similar to the handcuff device by Mr. S, but with all the steel parts coated in that plastigoop used to make tool handles. Remy's retaining ring is not adjustable except by shrinking it by means of additional coats of goop. Despite the metal, the device is small enough that its weight seems not a problem.
It arrived yesterday and I immediately put it on. The retaining ring is snug but comfortable. The ring can be spread a bit, but I would not want to weaken the metal, so I advise putting it on in the traditional method: One testicle at a time followed by stuffing the limp penis through the top and into the tube. The tube is not overly wide so I had some difficulty getting into it, but nothing a little lube or the stocking trick would not overcome easily. I suggest shaving so as not to pull hairs.
Getting the lock on proved to be more difficult. I finally managed but not without some effort and some pinching, though nothing particularly painful. Remy's instructions come with tips on how to get it on and I suggest reading them first. (g)
I think using a pair of channel lock pliers to squeeze the ring before inserting the hasp of the lock would work make the process of donning it much easier. I suggest taping the jaws of the pliers so as not to damage the smooth exterior of the device. Getting it off is likely to take a few minutes even with the key.
I've worn it now continuously for about twenty hours with no significant difficulty.
Urinating is no big deal although one does have to sit down, and it is of course necessary to wipe off those last few drops when finished. The tip of the tube is closed except for a small hole for draining. I'll coat the inside of the tube which is also rubberized when next I have it off, but I don't think hygiene will present any major problems to anyone with a removable shower head.
I would expect some discomfort with long term wear, but nothing that could not be controlled with lube and baby powder - the usual precautions.
It is completely effective in preventing intercourse or masturbation. I woke up this morning with the usual erection, and the device partially blocked it, and thoroughly prevented any manipulation toward orgasm.
Security is fair to good. It feels like I could extract my penis if I really worked at it, which would then probably allow the balls to slip through the ring, but I've tried a couple of times when completely soft and have been unsuccessful. Remy thinks it is impossible to get out of without removing the lock and he may be right. The lock itself is small and light, of necessity because of the design of the retaining ring. I'd expect it could be hacksawed off or perhaps removed with a chain cutter, but one would have to use care (s), and of course the lock would be destroyed in the process.
The whole device is small enough that I believe wearing it under loose clothing would be almost imperceptible. There is bound to be a slight bulge, but certainly nothing obvious. I'll shower and wear it about town while I run errands in a short while. I might someday even try playing golf in it just to see if it is possible. It feels like it would present no difficulty. I do think periodic release for cleaning and refreshing the lube would be appropriate for long term users.
All in all I'm glad I have control of the key (g). I think this thing might be a little too effective. For the price, it seems a most effective device and an excellent value. I suspect as word gets around, Remy is going to be a busy lad. If I had a keyholder, I'd be in trouble about now (g).
You are certainly free to post this on your website, including my email ID. I am a Section Leader of a BDSM forum in CompuServe so I am pretty out there.
Once again my compliments on your excellent site and thorough treatment of this subject matter.
Page last updated 98-Apr-15 by: