One reader has taken some steps to correct a problem with the Tollyboy/William Jones design, and provided these photos and descriptions.
Since 1993 I am the proud owner of a stainles steel male belt of
Bill Jones' manufacture. I wore it quite regularly for some while
and during that time I discovered some points I did not like. I
showed it to some friends of mine who are all interested in chastity
belts and they too had some points to object.
To get around these drawbacks I did some design and experimental work. These are the modifications I finally came up with:
I installed a piece of plastic round the inner surface of the penis tube
to produce a form of slight bottleneck. When the penis is inserted into
the tube the foreskin is partially drawn back. A C-shaped ring is put
around the penis just behind the glans. The diameter of the bottleneck
and the ring are carefully chosen not to cause any harm. But it works!
At least for me. The penis cannot be withdrawn without removing the ring!
This is a close up view showing some details of the
locking mechanism. Through the number of holes Bill Jones incorporated
in his design it is possible to adjust the amount the tube sticks
out of the belt.
I produced a cap for the penis tube - a cylindrical extension which is
inserted into the tube. It is held in place by a screw that replaces the
screw that in the original design engages in the slot of the shield.
The screw is prevented from being turned by a stainless steel strip
that has a rectangular opening for the specially shaped screwhead and
a round hole that passes over the locking post of the penis tube.
This is a side view of the belt without me inside it.
I cut an egg shaped hole into the shield to let the penis tube enter
through. So now the tube with its cap and screw ends outside of the
shield. The metal strip that is riveted to the tube and carries the
locking post is now no longer bent inwards but straight.
I still have to sit down to urinate. Water comes out through 8
tiny holes at the tip. To clean up afterwards I put a
piece of toilet paper across these holes and then I
start a sort of pumping action with the tube and penis.
This gets me nowhere as arousal is concerned but squeezes
out the last drops. Otherwise there will
be a wet spot in the underwear.
This shows the Jones/Tollyboy tube as a stand alone device (ha, joke).
The penis tube with cap and locking mechanism can even be worn without the
The ring which goes around the base of the penis behind the balls is
attached to the locking post and can be turned to either side.
This allows for some freedom to stowe away the tube in the pants
sideways to the left or right whichever you prefer. Even so the balls
and more than half of the penis are free to touch.
I cannot achieve an orgasm with it locked on. Boy, have I tried!
Thats really showing you what frustration is.
Views of tube worn in different positions.
I found the belt a bit uncomfortable during the last months. Seems I have put on some extra weight. When I stand the bottom edge of the belt digs into the hip bones. When I sit the upper edge digs into the rib case. The only comfortable position is lying on my back with the legs slightly spread. Sleeping with the belt on is a really enjoyable experience. And taking a shower in it is even better.
If you could include any of the pictures or the accompanying texts into your web page that would make me one of the happiest wearers of a chastity device in the world.
Altairboy's comment: Now you should be very happy, indeed! Thank you for sharing this information with us.
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Page last updated 97-Jan-20 by: