My Roadside Encounter with Connie - Part 2

Fiction submitted by: Anonymous
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Connie smiled at me and went to her room so I just decided to go to bed not knowing anything better to do.

Morning came with the smell of breakfast in the air. Connie had already checked on me this morning because my clothing had been washed and pressed. I climbed out of bed feeling a bit heavier than normal because of the belt. I walked over to a full length mirror set in the corner of the room just so see myself in the belt. I dressed and went to the kitchen where I found Connie reading the days news paper. I asked her what we were going to do about the belt and she said that time would determine that. So I asked her what she had in mind and she said its much too early to discuss such matters and told me to fix myself a plate and eat.

I noticed she was very calm as if it was any other day. As I was eating, she told me that the belt was a prototype model and it would only be removed if a special modulated laser beam was interfaced with the belt. I asked her wouldn't that cause me harm she said it was a low power but very special laser. So I asked her when could we use the thing to remove the belt. She told me the laser had not been perfected as a usable device yet so I was going to have to wait.

I immediately said that wasn't going to be good enough and she said it's the only way the belt could be removed without severely harming me at best because it was made out of a special beta alloy titanium . She advised that even if the belt could be cut somehow anti-tampering circuitry embedded into the belt could be possibly fatal attempting to remove the belt improperly.

Connie told me that the belt was a project of her work as a government employee she was a engineer. And funding had run out on the project so she was storing the R&D belt until the next budget year. Here it was February and the next budget year started in October, By this time I was very upset and asked how far along the team was with developing the laser "key" She told me that it had failed and was destroyed in the process so a complete new device would have to be built. I asked her why the government would develop such a belt and for what use.

She said you should not be upset with me I didn't put the belt on you ! You yourself broke into the box and tampered with government property so you don't have much to complain about and if you ever hope to get it off it will have to remain a secret . I asked her about regular doctors visits she said that would be taken care of with government doctors.

She said the belts were to be a protective device for special agents working out of the country. According to her sexual torture is a favorite method to get secured information from spies so the belts would be a safeguard to prevent this. By this time I was frightened more than anything else and she went back to reading her paper. I finished my breakfast and didn't say anything to her for what seemed like an hour probably shorter.

So I asked if I was going to be limited in wearing the belt and to what degree and she advised only sexually it would limit any activity. I told her it was a good thing I wasn't married or had a girlfriend because I didn't think they would understand, She laughed at me and I smiled really she was a very nice person I really did enjoy her company.

I decided I needed to head back home so I had her write her phone number and other addresses so we could stay in contact with each other. She laughed and said with that belt your wearing I will always know where you are because of a global tracking transmitter in the belt. I asked her what else the belt would do and she said it was top secret and she would have to kill me if she told me. We hugged and I set out for the drive home.

(to be continued)

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