My Roadside Encounter with Connie

Fiction submitted by: Anonymous

It was a cool, quiet evening much like many other in the past.

I was out for a drive when I first met her. She was stopped on the shoulder of the road having difficulties with her vehicle, so I stopped and offered assistance and use of my cell phone. She stepped up into the cab of my truck to use my phone. She dialed a number but did not get any answer, so I asked her if I could give her a ride. She smiled and said thanks, that would be very nice of me.

We were driving down the road with her giving me directions on where to turn. We came up on a cattle guard and an oil topped road. We continued about three miles past the cattle guard when we arrived in the drive of an old victorian styled two story house. I stopped the truck and was just going to drop her off when she asked me in. I was hungry and it was quite late by this time, so I accepted her invitation.

I was admiring her house when I started to ask her what she did for a living when she said she had inherited the property and house from her aunt. We stepped inside and she called the wrecker service and made arrangements to have her car repaired. I was looking - or rather snooping around her house. I really like the warmth an old house gives - makes you feel welcome - kinda feel at home.

All the doors where open in the hallway with the exception of two and I couldnt help my self so I peeked inside. The first one turned out to be a large closet and the light was off so I didnt keep it open long. By this time she was off the phone and looking for her guest - probably wondering why I was taking such interest in her home.

I heard her approaching. She was a very attractive young lady with long blonde hair and green eyes. She asked if I would like a tour of the house and I agreed and said that would be nice. We looked in every room in the house with exception of the room in the attic which she said was just a storage room, nothing more. I found it strange to have a padlock and hasp on the door but I did not ask since it was her house.

We then went down stairs and ate supper. It was very delicious, especially a baked ham she had prepaired. I was cleaning up the dishes and she asked if I would like to stay the night since it was so late. Being single, with no other responsibilities to be anywhere in particular, I agreed to stay over the night. She said said I could have my own room.

We stayed up late and talked about current events. Nothing really of common interest. She was getting sleepy so we went to our rooms for bed.

I was laying in bed, not able to sleep when I caught glimpse of a wooden box on the floor in the corner of the room. It too had a padlock holding it closed. Curiosity got the best of me, so I had to see what was inside. After all, it was a cheaply made lock and I knew I could pick it and get it open.

I brought the box over to the bed and tried to stay quiet as to not disturb Connies sleep. I worked for what must have been twenty minutes before the lock sprung open. I removed it from its hasp and then wondered if I should open the box to see its contents. I finally could not help it - I had to see so I opened it.

I could not tell really what it was inside the box because the contents were inside a white cloth sack. I opened the sack noticing the sack was quite heavy which peeked my curiosity. I untied the knot holding the sack closed and saw something very polished like chrome of a car.

I pulled it from the sack and it was what appeared to be some kind of metal underwear - a chastitybelt of sorts. it was a polished all over and unlocked. I noticed the lock system was unlike any I had ever seen in the past. It was a red disk surrounded by a clear ring. The waist bands retracted into them selves sort of like an aerial for a radio with the exception that these were squared tubing shaped like a thick belt.

The front plate had a tube on the inside that had a gradual taper with the big end having a gasket of rubber on its top. The front plate was thick where the two waist bands mated. Pushing the bands together against the plate would not lock them for some reason. Holding this device in my hands made me very curious how it would feel if worn. I had read where women in the middle ages were forced to wear such appliances, so I tried it on not knowing what the outcome would eventually be.

I slipped my briefs off and slipped the cool shiney metal apparatus on. It was in place so I pulled the waist bands together so they would meet the front plate while trying to prevent it from locking. There I was, standing looking at my self in a full length mirror when a beam of red light shined out of the front plate. It must have been activated due to my bodyheat.

It was very bright - much like a laser pointer. So twisted my hips around and aimed the light back into itself and heard two loud clicks and the light went out.

Oh No! The click came from the waist bands - they must hve been activated by the light!

My penis was locked into the tube inside the belt. I searched all through the box and bag for some sign of a key of any kind. I pulled and tried to wiggle out of the belt, but it fitted itself perfectly on my body. I started to panic, but I was not ready to give up yet. I dressed and quietly went out to my truck and retreved my own laser pointer and returned to my room hoping that if I shined the laser on the disk it would release.

I removed my clothing and was just about to operate the pointer when I heard a voice, "You know that will never work". It was Connie, she was standing inside the doorway. She said the laser light emitted had to be modulated in such a way to encode the belts lock.

[ Story continues in Part 2 ]
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