Stainless Chastity belt by Walter

Christine and David Stevenson provided the information about this Belgian made stainless steel chastity belt.

The photo is of one of our customers for the Fem Dom Training Program whose wife decided to lock him up after she found he had been going to professional Mistresses. He describes the belt:

It is a stainless steel belt, custom made by a friend of mine here in Belgium. It permits urination and defecation. So it is possible to wear during "long periods". The longest period I had to wear it was 7 days, 24/24, and that's long, believe me. The belt begins to squeeze a little, and you are constantly reminded that you don't have the control over your penis.

Because all steel is covered with foam, you don't have any discomfort when you sit down. It leaves no marks in the skin, even after long time wearing. The only place were it might leave some marks is between the legs, in the groin. And that when you are walking for long time that it squeeses in the groin. But the reason for that is also that the belt is not so good adjusted.

You can contact the maker of that belt by post at:

Walter Goethals
Postbus 1
2040 - Antwerpen 4

I think the price will be around 320 US$, and the delivery time about 6 weeks.

Thanks to: Christine & david Stevenson
.....Authors of the Fem Dom Training Program.....
Warning! Turns your wife/lover into a Dominatrix.
.........Runs on all IBM compatible PC's.........

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