Follow up to High School Reunion

Submitted by: Roger

I was surprised to see the story by Charlene HIGH SCHOOL REUNION because it sounds like this could be me; too bad she doesn't mention a city or a year.

My wife did the same thing to me. Now I know that some of the guys who are "belted" claim to be innocent, but I was. Sure, I got e-mails prior to the reunion from a few of my female classmates but I had not dated any of them. Nor was I physically attracted to most of them.

How did they get my e-address? From the book which was compiled before the event. Most had studied with me (in a strictly platonic way) and some of them even were not going to be at the reunion but wondered how I was doing. And to remember some of the fun times in class. [We did have some odd teachers, now that we look back on those years.]

But my wife got jealous and there was nothing I could do to convince her I was innocent. As Charlene tells it correctly, I was put into a cage against my will. And with the keys in the mail, I had nothing to do but complain. Which I did.

I was still caged when the reunion came around. I knew that I had to be very careful not to get into a position where it might be seen or felt. But despite my precautions, one of the girls - - not any of the e-mail ones - - happened to put her hand down at my crotch and she felt the cage.

She first commented about my being hard, but before I could move, she put her hand down there a second time because it didn't feel like an erection. Of course it didn't. If anything, it was an ANTI-erection.

At that point I should have disappeared. I was not one of the class jocks or outgoing people so I would not have been missed; in fact, nobody would have missed me if I had not been there, but I was curious what happened to some of my classmates. [For example, the worst-behaved boy became a priest! At graduation, he was named "most likely to end up in prison."

But I didn't think fast enough, and Ginny told her girlfriends who came over to find out for themselves. Talk about rude! Totally humiliated, I told them how I had led the life of a stud and my wife was taming me down. Not that the stud part would be believed, as I was a virgin all through high school, but that's the best I could do. I did resist all requests to see the cage, and when I could make my exit, I did.

And you should have seen the e-mails that came in the next week! My wife saw those and decided that the cage had been a good idea after all. She did remove it when I finished the reunion, but she still has it and threatens me with it if I do not shape up.

What does she mean by that? I have nothing to shape up from!


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