Women Take Charge in Germany

Submitted by: Abe

A small town in southern Germany has voted to chastise all of its men.

Amid rising sexual assaults and a string of unsolved rapes, desperate residents agreed to a 3 month trial of keeping all men in the town chastised.

All men were locked up and assigned an owner, with a spare set of keys kept in a public office, available to women only. An initial period of 2 weeks of no release was decided, with owners able to unlock their men as required after this. However, men in the town could not remain "wild".

A highly controversial idea in the town, after one month it appears to be hugely popular, even amongst the men.

The measure has had the desired effect, but few predicted the many positive side effects of the new order.

"I hate to admit it, but since C-day life has been wonderful," said Helmut. "I look forward to each new day, the light seems brighter, and I am so motivated. All the men are so motivated. Anything I can do to bring pleasure to a woman gives me intense satisfaction."

It seems to be a hit with the women as well. "My house is spotless, I get a massage every morning, and dinner tonight I know will be delicious. I could pick any man off the street right now and he will do anything I want for me."

"It is sooo delicious," another said. "I feel so free...I mean, we can do anything...we...want...to these men, and they lap it up, asking only for more! They are addicted to us, and they love it!"

Another male resident chipped in, "And without that fear that has plagued the town, women are more open and ready to play with the men, teasing and playing with us every night. It's very exciting!"

With such an unequivocal success, and looking at the many problems afflicting Western society, perhaps a small town in Germany contains the ultimate answer?

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Page last updated 06-Apr-21 by: Altairboy@aol.com