Future Shock

Submitted by: Lucky

Chapter 1

It was quite the experience being "pole vaulted" four centuries ahead in time. The freak accident could never be recreated nor reversed so I am stuck here. Originally I spent some time researching the lives of my relatives after my "departure". Hooked up with a few of their descendants and all went well, but all agreed, I need a life now. It wouldn't be right to get hung up on the past, especially my past.

I set my sights on educating myself about all the new technology and my personal "post history". While some of my family's decendants survived the two major wars, some had not. A few had been famous supporting the last revolution which affected about 35% of the world. (and was succesful by the way) The USA was reinstated and they brought back many traditional values, such as limited government. Similar governments appeared on "our turf" and while personal freedom is at it's greatest probably since the dawn of civilization, high technology is now controlled by those who invent it, and is denied many times for commercial or government use. These people know how technology was used against them in the past.

As a Citizen you can get just about anything, except high tech information and materials. Any Citizen can get free medical care, or deny it, abortion is legal under most circumstances but rarely performed. Lacking the overpopulation problems of the early 21st century, adoptive parents are easy to find. Euthenasia is also legal, without a Doctor's opinion, but it requires a current statement by the party outlining the guidelines for it's use. Doctors aren't as rich anymore, but being educated differently they are no longer pill pushers. They are now true healers and people do them favors, and they do it voluntarily. They get a new car $2000 under invoice for example, and new cars are only about $7500 for a decently equipped mid level auto. Yes there are still some cars, even though airships, spaceships and even starships are around. There are even transporters, but they require a lot of energy and are used less, at least terrestrially because of that. To understand why we limit the use of transporters is to understand the philosophy of the time. We don't waste energy anymore. While only 20% of the power used is unreturned, your pattern will have errors. These errors are detected and corrected and need to be resent. That energy is not returned. The energy from the flawed dataquads is not returned unless you knock both transporters out of operation for 1.2 seconds per dataquad and this can add up. Going through certain types of materials and/or fields causes this.

To give you an idea, if you beam straight through the Earth, it takes about an hour and a half to restore equlibrium to the "grid" . The actual transport only takes 5 seconds, but then you got 1-1/2 hours downtime to "recharge". You get lucky if someone beams TO you and is hit with a lot of errors, and that restores it to some degree and cuts down your maintanence time. Having a large power source doesn't help much, you just get to run bigger deficits. Luckily you can exchange power with anyone, and we generally try to keep the balance of energy how it started. Even if you have 1200 gigawatts, you paid for it. It will be returned, except the 20% overhead, but it might take awhile. Anyone with a surplus can exchange with anyone with a deficit, and it seems to work out.

It had been a tumultuous evolution into this society, but it was worth it. After 11 years of school I was up to speed. I had been an engineer, and I am again. They taught me that the human brain hadn't really developed in the past few centuries, but with better educational techniques we could use more of our brain. They said I should be fine, especially since I had been an engineer, but I exceeded even their expectations. I had been a self taught, multi-discipline engineer. I knew how to learn before they even started. After school I was not hurting for job offers.

Eventually I found the kink community. They were open and frank about things, even to "vanilla" people, a term no longer used. People don't label people, out of respect, not out of fear of reprisal, quite a difference from the 21st century. People aren't afraid to meet others off the internet because there is such a low incidence of sexual predators, con artists etc., it simply isn't an issue. By the way, any sexual predator can now be executed for forcible rape 1 at the request of the victim, but if they maintain their innocence and the evidence is not that solid, there are other ways of dealing with it. This is always decided by a jury and the victim. With our low crime rate, each case is given careful consideration, and punishments fit the crimes. For forcible rape 2 the assailant is tied to a fucking machine and the duration and severity is determined by the victim and the jury, and he could be forced to wear a chastity belt for a time afterward. This is all determined by the severity of the crime. This fucking machine is a marvel. Even though high tech wasn't allowed in it's construction it is the pretty much the punishment device of all time.

First the metal cock sheath is installed. It is attached with thick wires to your body, and resting tightly on your pelvic bone. No stimulation is possible. You will wind up with a hardon and if so, hope they didn't order the spikes. There is a catheter locked in your bladder slightly overinflated and when it starts, they inflate your bladder so you feel like you have to pee. They inflate you until they get a spike in the pressure and they back it off only to 80% of that pressure. It's like having to piss so bad that you would piss your pants right now, but you can't. They maintain this pressure throughout the punishment. If your body produces urine, only enough is let out to maintain the same pressure. You feel as if your bladder is going to burst, but they'll keep it just under that pressure, it won't. What's more, they use the largest catheter that will fit, and you might be incontinent for a week or two.

The dildo you are fucked with is not only expandable, but also has a through-hole for enemas, if the court so ordered. Just like the pressure sensor on your urine tube, this one can maintain the discomfort at a level judged in court. Even the size of the dildo is a regulated pressure, this way you get the same discomfort level regardless of how tight or loose you are back there.

There aren't many second offenders, but when there are they are usually executed. If the need is so great that this punishment didn't work, they gotta go. People tore down the Statue Of Liberty, putting in it's place a plaquard that says: Send us your capable, your best, your intellectuals and spiritual leaders. The USA is no longer a dump. You have to EARN your place here. People who hurt, steal, exploit or otherwise don't treat others right are dealt with VERY VERY harshly here. To explain it I say this: the punishment EXCEEDS the crime. In the 21st century you could rape and kill a Woman and get sentenced to run a prison for a few years. Now, the punishment is a real deterrent. The last guy they caught stealing was about 4 years ago, and he lost everything he had. He stole about $15,000 and they burned everything he had to the ground, gave him the amount he stole and sent him on his way. He traded the trust society had in him for that amount. Do you think he'll do it again ?

At the kink clubs, you use this card that you print up on your computer with your likes, dislikes and limits. The absolute limits are enforcable by contract law. When you get the card you agree to respect limits, if you don't, you have very little to fear from the government, unless they catch you if you escape us. You will be returned. If you go past someone's limits, it'll come back to you. Having the punishment fit the crime is of utmost importance. There are no lawyers in the sense we used to have them. The law is simple. You get a punishment that goes beyond your limits to the same degree or more that you violated someone else's. You do not get a choice in which direction this will go, except for permanent body modification. They can't do it to you if you didn't do it to them, but all else is fair. This is not the only reason crime is so rare.

They also found long ago that environmental factors were largely responsible for teenagers being so horny and unruly. Between the superior education and other factors, there simply is no teenage pregnancy. Yes they go out on dates, and play around and pleasure each other, but actual copulation is something they avoid. A lot of problems have been solved, the only recreational drugs even available are marijuana, alcohol and tobacco. Very very few people use tobacco, and while more do the alcohol or marjuana they don't overdo. Psycological weaknesses which used to cause this behaviour are identified early in life and dealt with. The special classes developed for these students border on hypnotism, but it's not quite. They are also quite willing to attend, just as people eat right and exercise to have a healthy body, the mind is given the same attention these days. Nobody wants a weak mind. You are also allowed to manufacture anything for your own use, like if you want some cocaine or something. Selling drugs is rare, but it happens and is lawful as long as only adults are involved.

It was also found that being kinky is not a weakness, it's almost considered a strength. Who wants to be strung up (or down), whipped or teased or something ? You need a higher than normal tolerance for pain and/or discomfort to enjoy it, so how is that a weakness ?

Bracing and chastity belts are still around too and I found the people eventually. Now here I am looking at jobs and along comes something in the way of an idea. With the good, nutritional food and the clean air it seems as though I was younger. I'm acually 454 years old, but actually 56. If I live to be 120 I'll look like I'm 60ish compared to the 21st century. When I'm 60, I should be fine, and can hope to raise children, WOW. I'm starting to like this. I seem to have some serious creativity, something that had been waning in my "old" life. I came up with an invention.

I syncronized a transporter with a force field. I actually injured a few animals and two people experimenting, but I had the pattern copy in the transporter so I could undo it. That's the law now, if you use high tech to tamper with anything natural you MUST be able to restore it, whether it's a human body, an animal, or even a naturally occurring mineral. Fixing it took a lot of energy.

I did one of my internships at a company which was looking into reforming neutronium with a transporter. Neutronium wasn't even invented by us, but we learned how to make it. The problem was that is must be made to spec at the first forming. It cannot be changed by conventional means. It is by far the hardest substance in the universe. People had formed cutting bits etc. from neutronium, but when used to cut neutronium, there was no way to resharpen it. It cut everything else just fine, but not itself.

I learned that when they make neutronium that to make the specific forms they use a force field. A tightly controlled force field. When I asked why they didn't just make a neutronium grinding wheel I learned that it wasn't as easy as it sounds. First of all the pressure required to use it was too great, and if you do get any dust, it is very toxic, forever.

What our team developed was a way to reform it using a transporter, we even devloped a way to sharpen cutting instruments made of neutronium. Made a lot of money. Our process involved using three forcefield generators in a three axis configuration and actually phasing the outputs. We were actually able to cut neutronium, but only by dematerializing parts of it. It wasn't really cutting it, but the result was the same.

Retired early, at 64. I look and feel like I'm 35.

Enabled into high technology because my tests showed my tendency for greed to be very low, I have a nice little shop at home. I developed an extension of this technology that is used in the medical field and for a few other things. The technology involved uses a force field to position something, tissue, a bone, whatever. Then a support or corrective orthosis is beamed right into the patient.

I again made a lot of money, but realize when I say a lot of money it doesn't mean millions. The dollar is actually worth something and is actually again backed by gold. However, it is only backed by official natural gold. In a society where you can make gold, there must be a distinction, it's what keeps our economy stable. There is no inflation, very low taxation and a very minimum of restrictions placed on Citizens. Non-Citizens can't own real property or have technology beyond the 23rd century until they swear allegiance, on their life of course.

The first "real" human test was flawless. My forcefield seperated the bone marrow in the leg, then a support was beamed in. It was so tight and accurate that it seemed like the leg had never been broken (except when it swelled during the bone knitting process). She didn't even need a cast. It was a simple tubular shape and didn't need a lot of detail, but the technique received many accolades. Understand that I received no money from this, just grants to further the technology. No strings attached. (Her leg was broken in 176 places, basically bonemeal, she might've lost the leg even in this time)

It has been in use for about 6 years now and is what has enabled me to re-retire early, except for my research. Realize that now with superior nutrition and medicine, people rarely get broken bones. There is usually significant other trauma when it does happen, and my system allows them to deal with that quickly and efficiently and not even worry about the fracture. The real trick is to engineer the solution so that it can be left in place forever. You see, the only way to remove it would be to use the original recorded pattern once the body part was released from the original traction/positioning field. Using the recorded pattern then of course brings back the original injury. You're back where you started. The other problem is that if there is profuse bleeding or something, that still must be dealt with first. The scan to examine the damaged body part takes a couple hours at best. It can take as long as 12 hours.

As long as you're anesthetized this is fine, recently a woman fell flat on her face, broken cheekbone, the works. It was so bad I could only use the body positioning forcefield on about 40% of her head (if I applied force elsewhere her encephilatic pressure skyrocketed). Her scans took a whole day. I actually beamed tubing into her capillaries ! I informed everybody that I might not be able to remove them, they said go ahead. When she woke up she said "who the heck slapped me ?". Then she wondered why her hands were tied down. No I did not do it, but for a time, nothing should touch her face. Now she's about back to normal. If I hadn't stopped the internal bleeding she would've been really screwed up, now her face only needs minor plastic surgery to be restored completely. When she found out the extent of her injuries, she was very pleased with the results. In "my day" she would've been screwed up really bad, if she even lived.

The Appliance

With great trepidation I am about to activate my new invention. In the transporter chamber when I push the first button the forcefield will constrict my body to the correct position. The second button will beam a full body jacket and leg braces onto me. The stored pattern will be copied to disk and should be compatible with any transporter with a W-440 processing system or higher. That's in case my transporter goes on the fritz (old term, means malfunctioning). Mine is a W-660 (with modifications) which is required for the application of the appliance, but a W-440 can take it off, as long as you don't lose the disk. Without the disk, nothing in the universe can take it off.

When I press the second button I shouldn't feel any pain, nor any change at all. If I do I have to hit the undo button and realign the system, but last check it was perfect. This is the most extensive appliance I've ever tried. The technology is proven, but even now if you mention Murphy's Law, people know what you mean. The alignment of the transporter and the force field to each other is very critical.

The appliance is gorgeous. The neutronium is very thin and arrainged in straps, but absolutely unbreakable. It stands suspended in chamber 3 while I get into chamber 1, it's like a lattice around the body, and incorporates leg braces as well as a chastity belt. It is very thin, yet totally unyielding. There are micromotors in the joints that can make them move against your will, or lock them completely, or leave you totally free. This is all by remote control.

The chastity shield can be removed, but only when unlocked by remote. It is not installed yet, but it will be soon. The "rotorcuffs" on the legs and waist can rotate the legs, or allow or prevent it by the wearer.

Something this elaborate I must try on myself first. I push the first buttton. I feel the force field come on slowly to position my body, and then I can see the depressions in my skin. This is just slightly tighter than the appliance is going to be. I gave it about a 1 mm. room for error. As long as I had set the appliance to exactly where my body is held, there should be no problem. I take a deep breath, well not so deep because of the constriction. The appliance is not as tight as you might think, some of the straps are designed with a spring loaded give. The force field actually felt just like the appliance, but tighter of course, there is no other way to apply it. At this time the springs are locked because the alignment is so critical. They will be unlocked after materialization, and they must be relocked for removal. Otherwise the transporter might remove some of my skin.

I press the second button. The appliance appears. No pain, no nothing, all good so far. Now here's the final moment, pressing the second button again will beam the suit off me, but the first button will now release the field and it's then permanent. In or out, once the first button is pressed the second time it unlocks the appliance and turns off the force field. I can then walk normally. If it didn't unlock I'd fall over because the appliance had to be locked to be beamed onto me, and once the forcefield is gone there's no way to beam it off without the original pattern.

Which button do I push ?

The first one. That's it. Now I walk over to my desk and sit down. I get the software I wrote running and set it to lock everything for 5 minutes. Without a sound it complied. I could move my head and arms, that's it. Sitting there bareassed and absolutely can't get up or move my hips or legs at all. I tried, this stuff is too strong. The chastity shield was not yet on, it isn't going to be beamed on, just put on normally for obvious reasons.

The five minutes are up and I go to the bathroom. I then sit back at the computer and ponder my options. My assistant has been here the whole time, but she was instructed to act only if something went wrong. That part is over. I did it that way because she is absolved of any wrongdoing if I can't remove the appliance. Remember the law. If, when I go to remove this thing I can't, I can at the very least lose part of my technology clearance. Anything I have beyond that clearance I would have to sell or destroy. I would get fair market value, but if I was ever to use it again it would be under the auspices of one who is authorized. I am after all a natural creation, and as such must be respected, even by myself when it comes to high-tech.

There is a button on each knee hinge and the hip as well. These are set by remote to either work or not to disengage the lock. It also has an RGO mode, a device used a long time ago for parapalegics. It would throw one leg forward when the other was dragged back. I had written a subroutine for it and wanted to try it. This mode locks the rotorcuffs as well as the abduction locks. Can't spread you legs, nor rotate them. Moving one forward pulls the other back and vice versa. Of course the rotorcuff on my waist is locked, and it is the only one that will not force movement. It simply locks in the center or not.

"Lisa", I called. She appeared in about a second and asked if anything was wrong, I said no. She had been with me since I opened up my little shop and is one of my most trusted friends and employees. My right hand man, Lisa. I told her what I wanted to do and she looked it up and used a pattern from some antique crutches to make me a pair. We also moved two tables near each other so I could support myself with them.

Then I activated the program. Rotation and abduction locked, everything locked except when you press the release, but when the hips and knees get to full extension they lock into the RGO mode. One hour delay, one hour duration. Now folks, when it's set to one hour, that's what you get. The command is loaded into the appliance and regardless of power outages or computer tampering, no matter what it will follow the program. There is a mode with an escape routine, but if you're going to use that, is it bondage ? Especially when such lengths have been gone to to ensure the security.

The neutronium is quite unobtrusive when in the free mode. The joints and other components are way smaller than anything we had in the 21st century. The circular bands around the legs are tight enough to control, but you can just barely get under them to scratch or clean, the vertical ribs can be pulled just a bit away from the skin for the same reasons. This stuff is so strong that the straps are only made a bit wider for comfort, the verticals are only 15mm. by 1mm. thick. They widen a bit at the hip and knee joints.

If you get neutronium thin enough it will flex, but it will never break. It cannot be cut except by itself. People in my old time used to write fiction about substances that can't be cut without X degrees of heat. Let me tell you this stuff cannot be cut at any temperature. You could catapult this thing through the Sun and it'll emerge from the other side in perfect condition.

The pattern and the program are encrypted and stored on the net, 2 of my harddrives and 5 separate disks. It hasn't been proven if the pattern will actually work. I might be stuck. For now, when the appliance is in the free mode I can do anything I could do without it. Thing is, if the release program doesn't work I am stuck forever.

The chastity part can be removed. The motors that lock and unlock it are made of conventional materials, but that means far superior to the titanium alloys of the 21st century. The actual latches are pure neutronium.

When the chastity option is removed and the whole thing is in free mode I can have normal sex, but this thing can be very restrictive when setup to be. It can be set to inhibit, but not stop movement with a calibrated resistance level. When you put it in this mode that's when it recharges. In this mode it can actually function as a portable gym. All I need anything else for is my upper body, but I still intend to use free weights.

The really wild part of it is you don't have to change nor charge the batteries! They recharge off of every movement you make, and ten years is the minimum unless you're active. Then it could be forever.

I am protected by the fact that default mode is free, any restriction requires a specific code, and that's not easy to get. Remember, without the program and the file, there is no way out, NO WAY OUT IN THIS UNIVERSE !

Someone would have to find the password to my hypo-thread. While this would not be easy, finding the program would be harder. Finding this file only allows you to release me, that's all. I'm not stupid.

For someone to mess with me they need the program, to get it they need the name. Once they get that, it won't transmit without another strong password. I don't think I would ever give control over to another person. Even if I did it wouldn't be as "master" status. This thing is too permanent and, when locked, restrictive. There is a secondary access level athough it is not in use yet. I can also disable master access for a specific time if I wanted to be in true bondage, and there is no way to prevent the use of the master account from being reported to the secondary account. By design the time is limited, and when that time is up it goes into free mode until I renew it. What this gives me is the ability to remove it no matter what, at a certain time, but I cannot do it without detection. That probably won't happen until I get serious with someone.

To control abduction (spreading the legs) the micromotors control the length of the bars connecting to the uprights on the legs. The material is tough enough and tight enough that it works well. Luckily I foresaw this, and realized where the stress would be and made the shoulder straps wider. This decreases the overall comfort, but if my legs are locked apart and I strain against it, all that pressure goes on my shoulders. By the same token, if my legs are locked together and I try to open them, the reverse occurs. Thus there are straps under the crotch. These had to be thin, and they also have the attachment points for the chastity shield. They are just as comforatble because generally you have a lot more strength in trying to close your legs than to open them.

The design of the chastity shield is another feather in my cap (old expression, means an achievement). I used another specialized force field that I built into a belt that I wore for a few days. This applied a gentle but constant pressure on the whole area of my groin. All of the states of arousal and scrotum tightness were recorded on the computer and then used to custom make the shield for me. It is just about unnoticable unless certain "features" are activated. Electrostimulation, spikes, constriction and heat or cold can all be applied by remote.

Unfortunately I'll have to remove the whole thing before I can ever make one for someone else. If I did that and couldn't remove it I'd end up in jail. High-tech and violent crimes are just about the only things that'll land you in jail. If I tell them it is removable and it's not, that's more than just losing my high tech clearance because it involves someone else. They frown on that and I don't blame them.

The law was something I gave a lot of consideration before proceeding, that's why the remote was in the chamber with me. It hung by a cord so it would be in reach if I let go. If I dropped it while the forcefield was on I wouldn't be able to pick it up. It had to be hanging so that my pushing buttons didn't apply any force to my body.

That's not going to stop me from staying in it long enough to show it off at the club. Thing is, do I bring a handheld so I can unlock the shield ? Or should I be frustrated ? In the clubs I'm dressed enough to be "legal" if the shield is there, but they got rooms.

Some may ask why did I ever build this thing, well, a forcefield chastity belt constatly uses energy. Also if that enegy supply ever fails, so does security. My device actually can recharge indefinitely if you're active and don't use a lot of forced movement routines. I haven't tried that yet, although I know the RGO mode will use quite a bit of energy.

Speaking of which, that hour delay is almost up.

I look at the clock and sure enough I got about 10 minutes. I've been sitting here typing and Lisa has been researching RGOs. She has a pair of crutches for me. Her involvement at this point is safe, lawfully. It's already on me.

"You shouldn't have set the duration so long" She said. I replied "I was thinking that, but it's OK, it'll just be hard to walk between the places I want to try it out. I figured I'd start with the tables, and then use the crutches to get to the treadmill" . My hands will be busy holding myself erect, so she will have to operate the treadmill controls. (the treadmill didn't work out)

I still didn't have the chastity shield on and she noticed my hardon. She's seen it before, and indeed we have played, but not yet copulated. Nobody wants unwanted children, also it's considered wrong to kill your sperm or eggs, even though it's legal. Some people still use rubbers, but most just find other ways to pleasure each other, until they get serious.

She started laughing. I said "what is so funny ?". She replied "it's sort of weird, here you are experiencing what some poor people in the past had to go through, something really awful, and it's turning you on". I said thanks a lot ! I had a flash of almost guilt. I'm not hurting anyone. She apologized saying that it was a reaction, because of the irony of it. Indeed irony is one of the main basis' of humor. I forgave her, and just in time too. The computer beeped, because it was a timed operation, when I hit lock earlier it was manual. The appliance is silent in operation. Once it beeped it meant that the next time I stand up it's RGO time for one hour. Nothing can abort this program.

Boy these disabled people had it rough. There aren't many disabled people left anymore. They were either cured or died out through attrition. When people had a disabled child they usually wouldn't have any more. There was no law, they did it voluntarily to avoid spreading misery. Actually most were cured, but some were still beyond even this time's technology. The few disabled people are treated with respect of course, but whatever they can't cure now is pretty out of the ordinary. They have super supplements now and I got to this time needing bifocals, and now have 20/10 vision at all ranges. Science has done me well.( 20/10 is considered normal now )

It just occurred to me, perhaps my appliance could help disabled people. The strength of the material would make it so light, lighter than the system they use now for a true parapalegic. They got a really good system now that interfaces with the patient's nervous system, but it's a bit bulky. It is worn outside the clothes, causing the obvious problems. This thing could do better for them, but would require frequent recharging. I could use the standard interface they use, I think this could work. Instead of being solid of course, there would be hasps or something to remove it, unlike my version.

Tell you what, I won't even charge for it, I got plenty saved up and if they just replenish my energy I have no problem running the program and making them an appliance. The ones who are not disabled and want something for kink purposes would have to pay though. (Neutronium costs you because it costs you energy)

High tech for non-altruistic use is one of the few things taxable now, but I'll pay it. For medical use I won't charge anything, so no tax, just donate a bit of my time. Moreso theirs, I get it up and running and they have to sit through the scan. They can't be alone, but between Lisa and I that won't be a problem.

Now that the RGO mode is over, it's time to go out.

Everything is unlocked now so I put the chastity shield on and got dressed. I took a pair of briefs and cut most of the front away so I could cover my backend (I don't take it that way) yet expose the shield. Not that I would fear getting raped, I just didn't want to tease anyone like that. Just trying to be considerate.

As always, the bouncer at the door asked me my preferences and directed me to table 7. Actually table 7 is more like an area, and has 5 tables. Someone always greets you, "what's up ?", with that I took my shirt and pants off to reveal the shield over my crotch as well as the lattice embracing my body.

She gasped, "what is that all over you ?" . I told her and she looked like she wanted to faint. I asked if she was OK, and she affirmed that she was. We sat down and got drinks.

Two of the people at our table I'd met before, and this round of introductions took care of the rest. When I told them it was made of Neutronium the reaction was apparent. The first question was how does it come off, where's the key ? When I explained the security they were impressed. There is no physical key.

Everyone of them wants one, at least the chastity part. They were asking how much and I actually hadn't thought about it yet. I also told them about the fact that I can't do it lawfully just yet, and why. They agreed with my precaution to say the least.

The next week I did start letting each of them wear the belt with the detection forcefield, and let the computer store all the data. I could then make them belts, but with a conventional latch or lock. Designed in such a way to be 100% inescapable without the key, but the key is proven to work and I place it in their hand. This is lawful.

Bob asked if I could build the whole appliance to be removable with a key, and while I hadn't thought about it, it is certainly possible. There would be quite a number of locks, perhaps 20 in all, so it wouldn't be cheap, but it can be done.

The only question now is, how much to charge ? Figuring this out in 25th century dollars might be hard, I said I'd get back to them.

I'm leasing the 1200GW, this project might use 40GW for about an hour. That's about what mine took. That translates into about $450 worth of power. My time should be compensated so I'm thinking around $700. That's the equivalent of about $2100 in 21st century dollars. Maybe a bit less, I simply don't need money and I won't for quite some time. But I do think this a fair price for what you get.

I am not alone in that opinion obviously, they all agreed.

[ Story Continues in Part 2 ]
[ Back to chastity fiction page ]

Page last updated 05-Jun-15 by: Altairboy@aol.com