Career Security Services - Part III

Submitted by: CBelted
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News Release- May 25, 2009

DATELINE: NY- The Career Security Services Corporation has declared bankruptcy.

This company markets a system that uses monitored chastity belts to protect the wearers from false accusations. Internal sabotage of their software systems created a situation which caused all the belts in use, about 95% of product in the field, to be permanently locked on the users.

Two software programmers were responsible for the program that rendered the locks and locking stations inoperable. Even locking stations made after the sabotage cannot open the locks. While many of the older belts can be removed with some difficulty and destroying the belt, models from the last 3 years are impossible to remove. Most users did not find out that the belts would not unlock until they came home in the evening.

CSS was swamped with calls and by the next day the enormity of the problem became apparent. When it was determined the crises was caused by sabotage, the two programmers, a man and a woman, came forward to give their justifications. He had been molested as a child and she had been raped as a teen. When they learned of their common bond, they decided permanently locking the belts would be a fitting revenge.

They will be charged with breaking laws which were originally designed to protect the Internet. As for those who are permanently belted, lawyers are preparing a class action suit. The founder of the company was so guilt stricken he locked a belt on himself and closed it with one of the corrupted locking stations. Now he is permanently locked. A sad tale of a noble experiment gone awry.

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