
Proud to Show Home Built Device

Submitted by: Anonymous

Hello Altairboy

Chastity Devices have been in and on the back of mind for quite sometime. I found your site most interesting and informative. I should also add that your section of Home Built devices gives so much information and ideas to those wishing to build something for themselves or loved ones.

So, here are photos of my device that I just got finished building last night. I am very proud of it. So proud, that I wish to share it. For those out there that have not stumbled on the right device for themselves, or haven't gone down the right isle in the home improvement store, I send these photos.

I won't say what material I made this from, I would not want to spoil anyones fun on the quest of making a device, but I hope that the photos speak for themselves. As you can see, I carved the image of a lady on my chastity device, she isn't in my life yet, but can only hope that she is out there and willing to take total control.

Thank You for keeping up this site


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Page last updated 01-Nov-03 by: Altairboy@aol.com