Hi Altairboy:
Here are two pictures I took while my wife and I toured The Garden for the Blind, a special section of the beautiful Botanical Gardens in San Antonio, Texas. (We were recently on vacation there.)
I thought it was so unique (how often has anyone heard of a chaste tree?), that I immediately thought of your excellent web site and thought these images would make a very unique addition. Don't you agree?
The tree has almost no buds, leaves or flowers. Perhaps it was the time of year; I don't know. The leaves you see in the foreground of the right hand photo are from a neighboring tree.
Please feel free to add these two images to your web site, should you think they deserve a space. If you want to give credit, saying they are from JC will be fine.
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Page last updated 00-Jun-27 by: Altairboy@aol.com