MS Magazine Article October 1999

Submitted by: BS

I was thumbing through the Oct/Nov issue when I discovered right on page 9 an article about chastity belts! The article includes a photo of the Access Denied female chastity belt.

(maybe the author visited your site?) she wrote: A sizable number of chastity belt Web sites do in fact reveal a slew of male users, many of whom, it seems, like to indulge in erotic fantasies about power and submission. Enthusiasts also include couples who don them as a symbol of commitment.

The article continues to wonder whether girls and women are being forced to wear the contraptions?

The full text can be found at:

I checked the Letters to the Editor section for Dec/Jan and Feb/Mar (current issue) for the expected reader outrage - but not a peep. Considering the source, could this be a sign that cb's are becoming enough "mainstream" to elicit only yawns?


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