Another Chastity Device

Submitted by: Lifejoy

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Centurian used to publish a catalog which contained an interesting and severe chastity device. It was a metal tube which slid over the limp penis, with a hole on the underside (bottom) of the end, through which one threaded a pin-type screw with barbell ends which went through a corresponding piercing (more like an implanted tube with a hole through which you place the screw) on the bottom of the end of the penis (what do you do if you're circumcised?).

Centurian advertised that it would supply to purchasers the name of a local doctor to do the piercing. Centurians also suggested a variety of methods for assuring it doesn't come off - the most extreme being crazy glue on the screw fittings, which they claimed makes the device virtually permanent. (I think that is more fantasy than reality.) Because there is no "belt" portion, it seems to solve the cleanliness/defecation problem posed by belts with straps up the backside.

It was advertised in both the regular Centurian catalog, and in a special supplement called "Chastisement and Feminization of Slaves."

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