Girl Models CB at Country Exhibition

Submitted by: Wastl

Today, in Hof, Germany, the small country-side city I live in, it is exhibition-time at the moment.

The company I work for is are here to show our internet-services, but there are also craftsmen, builders, car-sellers, food-stores, a laser-show and all the other interesting items you can always find at country-exhibitions...

BUT: there is also a piercing and tattoo studio. And they have a girl walking around the exhibition-grounds wearing only a cb with a fish-net over it... (for the Germans: yes, we are in Bavaria, and Bavaria is Catholic, but we are in the Protestant part of the country). Even so, it's still very unusual ;) )...

nt90433a.jpg nt90433b.jpg nt90433c.jpg

My trainee took these photos of her (but he was, like all the people here so shocked, that his hand was shaking while doing it)...

nt90433.jpg I caught the girl later on and asked her about her outfit (and showed her Altairboy's web site)... Her belt was produced by a company called "Dragonheart" in Reichenbach/Vogtland.

The adress of the Company is:

Rainer Christof
Albertistrasse 29
08468 Reichenbach

Tel : +49 (03765) 12309
Fax : +49 (03765) 12229

The user of the belts must come for 2-3 hours in to the maker. The belt or bra is made for the exact condition of the body. Orders may be started by fax or phone, then the buyer must come to the company.


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