Hello Altairboy:
It's been a while since last I communicated with you, and I just wanted to again pass along my congratulations for continuing to do an absolutely wonderful job on the website. You have worked extremely hard at it and I, amongst thousands and thousands, am grateful for your dedication.
Bill Jones and I are very good friends of long standing and we
enjoy each other's company and evil idea's :-) a great deal. I went down to
to visit with Bill this winter, and again just last week.
While I was there, Bill showed me the latest version of his female CB,
complete with inserts. I snapped a couple of digital pictures of
the CB that you may find of some small interest :-).
You may use them on the site, and I have cleared this with Bill, of course.
The picture of the belt shows for the first time, dual plugs. They are made of acrylic plastic. The ass chains have been replaced by two narrow metal straps, with neoprene edging. The whole device is evilly wonderful to look at and hold :-). Bill indicated that when his product tester wears it, the effect is like an unscheduled launch from Cape Canaveral :-). I try to place myself in the position of a female being required to wear that CB, together with her knowledge that it is locked into my body ... and it sort of fries the synapses :-). Must be quite a sensation (especially when she sits down)!
Yet again, let me thank you for your time, effort, and obvious care and love. Your site is definitely THE BEST on this subject, without question.
Sincerely Yours,
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Page last updated 99-Mar-20 by: Altairboy@aol.com