Inexpensive Chastity TubeSubmitted by: TRHi Altairboy, let me say first, your site is a really great one! I look continuously at your site to see new ideas in chastity equipment. But there are not many new things in the category "home built", so here is a new idea for a permanent male chastity device, that only costs 3 Dollars + a good padlock. How its made? Out off a normal PP - Pipe, with a inner diameter of 35mm and a total length of 15cm. I just cut it in this easy form with a saw (see the picture). The edges are rounded by heating the material (The material is called PP - poly prophylen- its suitable for food). The clamp is bought in the do-it-yourself-shop, too. It is a clamp for fence-poles. It is coated with plastic. That is all there is to it!
But the clamp that i use, is more comfortable and safe. The device is very good to wear. I wear mine for about 2 weeks, permanent. And i have had no problems. There is no pinching and i really can not get out of it without the key. And i can wear it under normal clothes. If you have the right pipe and clamp, you can build it in 15 minutes.
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