Dear Altairboy,
Thanks for the offer to re-post my usenet request to your website along with
the image of the
"chastity belt." I put it in quotes because this is a movie prop man's
fabrication, in no way a practical or actual chastity belt. But it is quite
unique and displays a level of artistry you don't see much these days. I hope
your readers enjoy the image and that one of them might be of help.
A few years ago, I purchased from a Taos, New Mexico estate a silent era movie chastity belt supposedly given to the family by Pola Negri. Pola, of course, was one of the movies' earliest sex goddesses -- the equal to Theda Bara, the scourge of Gloria Swanson, the reputed lover of Chaplin, Valentino and even briefly Hitler.
I am quite sure this artifact is a genuine relic of the '20s. It reeks of Hollywood kitsch, with pseudo-rubies mounted on its pewter strands, dangling tassels and a "frontispiece" set off by winged snakes, a gaping cat-devil gargoyle and a little Buddha with a Confucian appearance.
But try as I might, I can't find a Pola Negri photo showing her wearing the piece or ascertain which movie it was made for.
I'm not interested in selling this item, but I do want to "place it" as I have agreed to display it in a traveling show that will tour New Mexico over the next year or two promoting film heritage. If you think you might have a clue about this find, please e-mail me at
I don't need hundreds of inquiries, just one dedicated and truly knowlegeable silent sleuth, especially one with a Pola Negri fix.
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Page last updated 98-Oct-27 by: