Dear Altairboy:
As promised, here are the photographs that your viewers may find of interest (and you too, I hope :-)).
My CB is a heavily modified Bill Jones, and incorporates a mixture of female and male aspects in its construction, as well as the internal penis tube. I have added the front V chains also. The belt is of Heavy Duty Construction, being made entirely of 1/16" thick stainless steel. Reason for that is that I had literally destroyed the original belt that Bill made for me, crafted from a lighter gauge of stainless.
I asked Bill, during the course of construction, to add the extra
D-rings. I also wanted the rear chains to come under the buttocks,
for a more aesthetic look and better security (in my view), rather
than across them.
I normally wear the CB with a medium butt plug and an external male catheter. The catheter and the sensation of capture are enhanced by the use of sliding three neoprene "O" rings on to it, after the penis tube is slipped on. the rings are sized: 3/4", then 7/8", then 1"; put on in that order. This not only acts to keep the penis tip sensitive but prevents it from being withdrawn from the tube. The male catheter usage has an obvious purpose and makes wearing the CB for long duration's just that much less of a hassle.
I cannot tell you how much joy and pleasure I have had from your site, and this is only a very small way of repaying you for your dedication, time, and trouble.
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Page last updated 98-Sep-29 by: