Historic CB on Display

Submitted by: John

tiphane.jpg The photograph shows a historic Chastity Belt on Display. It is to be found in the museum called "Tiphane's House" in Mont St. Michel, off the Brittany coast in France.

The museum brochure states that it is from the 14th century. (From its appearance, I doubt this - a toy from the 18th or 19th c. probably; the thin leather rear under-straps would not resist a sharp knife for long). The tape-recorded message broadcast, (in French), all over the museum states that chastity belts at this time were used voluntarily by the woman to protect herself as the morals of the court were not of the highest.

I apologize for the poor quality of the photograph. It was displayed in a rather reflective glass case in front of a bright window.

There is another CB I know of in a French museum: in Carcasonne, in the ancient citadel there is a museum of the Inquisition that states that there is one to be seen inside. I have not seen it, (the other half does not like to go into such places), but I intend to do so one day.


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Page last updated 98-Aug-25 by: Altairboy@aol.com