Two Comments...

Submitted by: Anon7

Dear Altairboy,

First of all, please do not use my real name! You can call me "Anon7." (An old Star Trek character.)

Note #1: I notice comments/complaints about problems with urination from penis tubes. Maybe an External Catheter (EC) would help. An EC is just a condom with a rather substantial tube coming out the tip; it's available at medical supply stores. Some come with internal adhesive to prevent slipping. The tube might not only improve hygiene, but also might allow stand-up urination. After urination, the tube can be crimped, clipped, or tied in some manner to prevent after-drips. Note that the EC would go on the penis first, before the penis is inserted into the penis tube, with the latex EC tube hanging out. (Gotta say the obvious, or someone will try to put it over the CB tube.) Perhaps clean the interior of the latex EC tube daily with a backflush of water (squirt gun?). Of course, don't use oil-based lubricants. I do not speak from experience on this, as I don't own any chastity devices; it's just idle cogitation. Reactions invited.

Note #2: As a professional counselor, I am seeing more and more problems with pornography addition, especially with the advent of the 'net. A quick, cheap pornography inhibitor (and masturbation inhibitor as well) might be one of those infinitely sizeable radiator hose clamps available at hardware stores. Placed around the penis at the base and appropriately tightened, it should make erections unserviceable and short-lived. Standard disclaimers would be to watch out for skin pinching, don't cut off blood flow too much, don't sleep with it until trying it out awake for many hours first, etc. These clamps are rather malleable, and can be reshaped so as not to restrict the urethra for urine flow. Anyone want to try and report?


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