What is in a Name?

Submitted by: Anonymous

Dear Altairboy,

With your site getting so popular, it won't be long before corporate America figures out that there is money in chastity belts. Pretty soon, everyone will be getting in on the business. And, of course, you can't have a product without marketing, and most importantly, a catchy name. Some of the current makers do so. Consider the Cock-Cuff, Rubber Gates of Hell and so on. So I've decided to preempt the market and trademark every possible name. That way, when c-belts become big business I'll cash in as manufacturers queue up to license selections from my list.

First there is the alliterative. For example:

Then there is the rhyming:

Smaller, more offbeat companies will go for the punning and slightly kinky:

Those who advertise their belts on TV info-mercials, however, will want something jazzy but also functional in tone:

Over on the Christian TV channel, Jerry Falwell and the misogynist Right will surely want to market:

But the big corporations will want names that go with their existing image. Something you can identify as theirs, like:

Surely there are other names. Perhaps your readers will contribute other suggestions and together we can completely corner the market.


Anonymous, please.

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Page last updated 98-Jul-15 by: Altairboy@aol.com