Snow's First Adventure

Submitted by: *snow

Finally after waiting for a couple of weeks for the belt to arrive, I recieved a notice from the post office that they had a special *package for me to pick up.

I was anxious, and when I arrived at the post office to pick the box up, I noticed that the lady behind the counter kept looking at me strangely when I handed her my ticket. I kept noticing side way glances from her.

Well, I tried not to pay much attention to her as she handed me the box and gave me the biggest grin. I politely smiled back and said thank you. Once back in the car I looked at the package and noticed that in big black letters on the top of the box was the description of what was located inside! Ouch! No wonder she kept looking at me so funny. I am sure that she does not see a lot of cb's coming thru her tiny post office.

I drove home rather quickly, for some reason my foot was rather heavy on the gas pedal! I wanted to open it and check it out without any company around, so I pulled into the driveway and turned off the car and peered around the yard. The house appeared to be empty. I checked the back yard and the opened the front door of the house and yelled, in a sort of breathy voice to see if any one was home. To my happy surprise, it was dark and quiet! Just me and the dog and the cat!

Perfect! so I ran back to the car, in the pouring wet rain, and grabbed the box and ran into the house.

I zoomed into the kitchen, grabbed a steak knife from the cupboard and rushed off into the bedroom to open the box! I was so terribly anxious to get the box open, and after struggling with 5 million miles of packing tape I finally got it open! And there in front of me was mountains and mountains of Newspaper balls Okay, No problem, I thought to myself, dig dig dig dig dig dig.... and finally, There it was!

The first thing that I noticed when I lifted it out of the box, was that it was very Heavy! Very substantial! Nicely built, much better than I had hoped. The only other belt that I had ever seen in person was the first one that had been partly built for me. It was very light and not much to it. This Belt was crafted with a lot of thought and care!

It has a lot of padded foam around the waist band and around the crotch area. The front locking plate it like the Walter. The belt straps come around and join in the front and bolt onto the plate with 2 small nuts. There is a cover plate that closes over this area and locks firmly shut with a padlock! The shield that goes down over the genitals is very nicely padded and is met with chains that come from the back of the belt and lock to the base of the crotch shield. All and all, a wonderfully crafted device.

The first thing that I tried to do was pull it up over my hips without undoing the bolts just to see if I could or not. Of course, I could not. So I made a quick peek out of the front window and began undoing the pink nuts on the shield. (a rather difficult thing to do by hand as the threads were a bit sticky from the pink paint. But I managed to get them off.)

I got it undone and then pulled the belt up over my waist and up over my hips. The ass chains were very cold and it increased the sensation and suddenly I was HORRIBLY turned on! I pulled it up snug over my hips and struggled with the pink bolts turning them snug. I closed the locking plate, but left the lock in the package for the moment.

Once everything was on, I just wanted it off! The tightness around me and the pressure of the belt on my genitals was overpowering! I was extremely turned on. All I could think of was undoing the bolts and finding relief for what I was feeling. It was wonderful to be locked inside and not be able to do anything about it.

Instead of taking it off I walked around the house with it on for a bit, looking in the mirror more than a few times from each side. It is a very nicely made belt, and very comfortable! I could tell by the way that it sat on my hips and did not give me much trouble around the crotch that it would be suitable for long term wear. I did not notice any tightness between my thighs that would result in chafing.

I was busy admiring it when I suddenly heard the car in the driveway! It was my significant other! This was not the way that I planned on revealing my belt. I ran back to the bedroom and reached for the bolts. But they were STUCK! The paint on the threads of the bolts had made them extra snug when I twisted them back on.

I was silently cursing the builder under my breath, not being able to get out! I was also running out of time if I wanted to keep my secret until I wanted to let it out. I scrambled around the bedroom searching for ANY tool to help get it off and was LUCKY to find a pair of pliers hiding under the edge of the bed. It took a second or two of convincing to work the nut loose, and finally it was in my hand.

The belt slipped from my hips and the first sensation I had was the cool air circling my parts! It was a delicious sensation! But I had to hurry to tuck my *secret* away!. I managed to get the belt tucked away in the closet under some clothes about the same time that my lover opened the kitchen door!

More adventures to come...


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