US Patent 613,485

Submitted by: Anonymous

A patent for a male chastity belt, under the guise of a surgical device. Complete text from the patent application follows the images.

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587,994 SURGICAL APPLIANCE, Michael McCormick, San Francisco, Cal. Filed Nov. 27, 1896. Serial No. 613485. (No model.)

To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, MICHAEL McCORMICK, of the city and county of San Francisco, State of California, have invented an Improvement in Surgical Appliances; and I hereby declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description of the same.

My invention relates to the general class of surgical appliances; and it consists in the novel construction and arrangement of the device or appliance which I shall hereinafter fully describe.

The objects of my invention, generally stated, are three, to wit: first, to prevent, involuntary nocturnal seminal emissions; second, to control waking thoughts, and, third, to prevent self-abuse.

Referring to the accompanying drawing, the figure is a view of my device..

A is a plate, of any suitable material, conforming sufficiently to the shape of the abdomen to enable it to be worn thereon with convenience and to be secured thereto by any suitable fastenings -- as, for example, by a belt B about the waist. The lower extremity of this plate is provided with an aperture a, below which is a flanged lip a1, provided. with a top fastening, such as an elastic or yielding strap a2 or other device adapted to hold the member down in said lip, as I shall hereinafter explain.

Upon the lower portion of the plate and just above. the, aperture a is a pricing-point, or, as here shown, a series C of such points. These, though they may be, fixed or stationary, are preferably adjustable by being formed on the ends of screw-stems, which are best carried by a semicircular piece c, which is itself carried in a plate c', adapted to slide in guides c2 and to be adjusted up or down by means. of an adjusting-screw c3. These parts are best protected by a cover-plate or shield D, secured to plate A.

The device is adjusted to the person by fitting plate A over the abdomen and securing it by belt B. The organ is passed through the aperture a, which fits close up around the base, and this member is then drawn down and rests in the lip a' and is secured lightly therein by the band or strip a2. The pricking-points are adjusted so as to lie in such proximity above, though clear of, the organ, as may be found best..

The member, being drawn and held down in lip a1, will as long as there is no excitement not be in contact with the pricking points and will be positively held clear thereof. Now when from any cause expansion in this organ begins it, will come in contact with the pricking-points, and the necessary pain or warning sensation will result.

If the person be asleep or otherwise inattentive, he will be awakened or recalled to his senses in time to prevent further expansion. If he be asleep, an involuntary emission will be prevented by his awakening. If he be inattentive or if through forgetfulness or any other cause his thoughts should be running in lascivious channels, these will be diverted.

Voluntary self-abuse will be checked, presuming the wearer be desirous of benefit., as he will not take the trouble to relieve himself of the appliance, and he cannot continue his practice without removing it..

If the wearer be irresponsible from any cause, the appliance can be permanently. secured to him, as by a protected line E, extending from the lip a1 to the back of belt B, and the fastening-strip a2 may be of some permanent character, like sticking-plaster, which will prevent, the removal of the extremity of the member from lip a1.

Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent., is-

1. A surgical appliance consisting of a suitable frame or plate adapted to be fitted and secured to the body, said frame having an aperture through which the organ or member is to be passed, and having a lip extending downwardly from said aperture, .a plate mounted in guides on the frame and having, means by which its position may be adjusted in a vertical plane, and pricking-points carried by the slidable plate and each capable of independent adjustment thereon.

2. A surgical appliance consisting of a frame or plate having all aperture through which the organ or member is to be passed, and vertical guides, said frame having a downwardly extending flanged lip below the aperture, a strap or band secured to the lip and adapted to hold the organ or member, a plate slidably fitted within said guides having a screw by which its position on the frame is adjusted, and pricking-points carried by the slidable plate and each capable of independent adjustment, said points adapted to sensibly contact with the organ or member as the latter expands.

3. A surgical appliance consisting of a suitable plate or frame adapted to be fitted and secured to the body and having aperture in its lower portion through which the proper member is to be passed, a vertically-adjustable series of pricking-points having threaded stems independently mounted on said plate or frame above its aperture, and with which said member will come in contact as it expands; and means on the plate or frame below for holding said member down normally out of contact with said series of pricking-points.

4. A surgical appliance consisting of the plate having the aperture and the lip with its fastening below said aperture, the adjustable series of. pricking-points above said aperture, and the shield-plate protecting said points.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand.


S. H. Nourse,
H. F. Ascheck.

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