Advice on Adjusting and Wearing a Chastity Belt
Submitted by: Anonymous
I've noticed several updates on various pages of your OUTSTANDING web site
(including an entry in your Guestbook) concerning placement of the testes and scrotum.
Having had first-hand experience with this very same situation (as have just about all
males wearing a Tolly/WJ/AD chastity belt), I would like to relate how I handled this and
also offer my suggestions.
First of all, some definitions so everyone will be able to follow along.
Testicle(s) - The actual "ball(s)" which is/are inside the scrotum sac.
Scrotum - The external sac enclosing the testes.
(Okay, okay...I admit that these definitions are not 100% in keeping with medical
dictionaries, but they are sufficient for these purposes.)
Secondly, this posting is from the experience of myself (a male), wearing and being
locked in to a WJ (William Jones) chastity belt. If you are a male and are wearing some
other type of belt (essentially, anything other than a Tolly, WJ or AD), this may not apply
to your situation.
When I first got my chastity belt and was locked in, I had the experience(s) of my
testicles and/or scrotum occasionally being pinched between the edges of the front shield
and my lower groin or upper thighs; or having my testicles/scrotum "squeezed" out the
edge of the front shield. Grrrr. Not only was this arrangement uncomfortable or
sometimes painful, but it also permitted me to occasionally "worm" my finger under the
front shield, which was something I didn't want. After all, why go to all the expense and
trouble of a chastity belt if it isn't going to prevent getting under the shield?
After much experimenting, I finally hit upon a satisfactory solution. Here it is:
- #1 - This only works is your chastity belt is properly fitted and is a good, SNUG fit. The
more snug, the better.
- #2 - Make sure the testes are empty. (If you are going to wear the belt for an extended
period of time, one last orgasm (be it via intercourse or masturbation) will indeed be a
bittersweet event. I know about this me.)
- #3 - If one last orgasm is not an option, a nice hot or warm water shower or bath will also
leave the testes/scrotum hanging loosely.
- #4 - Put on the waistband and penis tube as normal.
- #5 - Pull up the front shield and engage the penis tube lower guide into the transverse slot
at the lower end of the front shield.
- #6 - Put the penis tube locking post into the corresponding hole in the midsection of the
front shield. At this point, if you want to put the locking button and lock on the penis
tube locking post, go ahead. If you want to do it later, that's okay, too.
- #7 - Hold and at the same time pull up the front shield with one hand, while with your
other hand reach behind the front shield (your hand will be between the flesh of your
lower abdomen and the back of the front shield) and pull your scrotum sac straight up.
The net result will be that the penis tube and pulled-up scrotum come into contact; the
penis tube presses down and backwards into the pulled-up scrotum, essentially separating
your scrotum into two halves, with one testicle on either side of the penis tube. If the
testicles are loose/empty, they will comfortably lay on either side of the steel penis tube.
The scrotum skin directly under the penis tube will be flattened but no discomfort will be
felt or damaged caused because there is nothing in the scrotum directly at that spot to
cause discomfort or damage.
- #8 - Continue to pull the front shield up until it engages the locking posts at the waist
band. Lock the belt as normal.
- #9 - If your chastity belt is properly SNUG (my belt is snug enough that the front shield
actually causes my abdomen flesh to ever-so-slightly bulge out from around the edges of
the front shield), the testes will be safely and comfortably held behind the front shield, on
both sides of the penis tube, with no "danger" that the testes/scrotum will slip or fall back
to their natural position. The experience(s) of my testicles and/or scrotum occasionally
being pinched between the edges of the front shield and my lower groin or upper thighs,
or having my testicles/scrotum "squeezed" out the edge of the front shield is completely
and very effectively totally eliminated. Additionally, if you have done it correctly and
your chastity belt is properly SNUG, there is absolutely no way you'll be able to dig your
fingers under the edges of the front shield.
- #10 - Having the testes/scrotum in this position is not the least bit harmful to the male
anatomy, doesn't pinch or grab, and in no way interferes with normal urination or
defecation functions.
Once the chastity belt is unlocked and the front shield is lowered, the testes/scrotum
return to their natural position, none the worse for wear or (non)-use.
Hope this helps!
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Page last updated 98-Mar-09 by: