New Pages about KTB at The Power Exchange

Submitted by: MsKitten

People love to hear experiences about being forced to remain chaste regardless of whether it is long or short term. If you are an owner of a KTB from The Power Exchange, the ultimate in male chastity, you are able to experience what many can only keep as a fantasy.

We receive many emails daily with questions regarding the KTB. I am in the process of creating a web page that may prove to contain useful information on what people like you, owners and wearers of the KTB have to say about this lusciously, evil device. *grin*

Another page will feature pictures of all three versions, The Mild, The Regular and The Severe!

Would you like to share any thoughts, stories or experiences you've had since your purchase of the KTB? Perhaps a report of an exceptionally hot or effective scene. Maybe you have a fantasy you'd like to experience while wearing the KTB. If so, and you would like your comments, stories or pictures posted on the KTB EXPERIENCES page, please email me. Below you will find some of the questions we receive and you might use as a guideline as you create your report.... or you may of course, create your own. :)

* Do you have an owner that holds the key that keeps your naughty thoughts in check on a daily basis? How does your owner keep the key from you?

* Are you an unowned male practicing a chastity training program who wishes to control and discipline his own frequent sexual desires? What is your regimen?

* How long have you been able to wear the KTB?

* If you wear it 24/7, how did you learn to sleep without having to experience the numerous awakenings and constant warnings to keep your thoughts pure?

* Do you now realize that your penis is no longer your property and now belong to your keyholder?

* How has your life changed since wearing the KTB?

* What techniques does your keyholder use in conjunction with the KTB?

* Would you like to share your reasons for needing a KTB?

* Do you have any pictures you're willing to share of you wearing the KTB?

If you do decide to submit a story to me, do you wish to keep your email address anonymous or would you like to have it published?

I love reading about the observations and practices of those wishing or being forced into the life of chastity. I do hope you'll share yours with me and others!

Warm Regards,

Mistress Kitten
Co-Owner of The Power Exchange

KTB - Kali's Teeth Bracelet - Chastity

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Page last updated 99-Apr-26 by: