Chastity Belt Contract

Submitted by: Mike


CHASTITY BELT Any lockable wearable device designed for continuous wear to prevent masturbation, infidelity, control sexual urges or aggression, or sexual intercourse.

USER The individual who will wear the device. By definition the user has granted the control of the users sexual organs and services to the KEYHOLDER

KEYHOLDER The individual who will hold the key and the control for the device. By definition, the keyholder is the individual entrusted to have absolute say in the use of the users sexual organs and services.

General Rules

  1. The Chastity Belt (herein referred to as "the device") may be used at the full discretion of the KEYHOLDER whenever the KEYHOLDER deems it necessary. Refusal to wear the device is forbidden and punishable under this contract.

  2. The USER is never permitted to control the key. The key will always be under the supervision of the KEYHOLDER. All copies of the key are required to be in the possession of the KEYHOLDER and the KEYHOLDER must know about the existence of all keys.

  3. It is the responsibility of the USER to maintain the device in good working order, clean, and to inform the KEYHOLDER about any deficiencies. The KEYHOLDER will supervise and approve maintenance at the KEYHOLDERS discretion.

  4. The KEYHOLDER has the obligation to force proper hygiene, see to the health and comfort of the USER, and provide sexual relief at proper times and intervals in keeping with the spirit and intent of this contract.. Times and intervals will normally be at the discretion of the keyholder.

  5. The KEYHOLDER may require the USER to submit to other forms of control or restraint prior to removal of the device. This is especially true if the intent of the device is to control sexual aggression, or temporarily to control sexual desperation.

Specific Provisions

The name of the KEYHOLDER : ______________________________

The name of the USER : ______________________________

Primary purpose (Check all that apply and initial)

Acceptable methods of Discipline.(Check all that apply and initial)

I, the above named as the USER grant the below named KEYHOLDER the above listed authorities and rights, without any recourse, thought of evasion, or limitations not expressly stated in the above agreement. I fully indemnitize and forever hold harmless the KEYHOLDER from any action authorized under this contract. At the time of signing, all keys, locks, tools, and toys covered under this agreement have been prepared for and turned over to the control of the KEYHOLDER.

Signed: ______________________________________________________________

I the above named KEYHOLDER assume the full authority vested in me by this agreement at this time. I assume full control and responsibility for all keys, tools, toys, and discipline devices intended for implementation of this contract. I fully understand that I have been granted great power and have the obligation to use that power wisely in pursuit of the above listed purposes and within the discipline declared acceptable above.

Signed: ______________________________________________________________

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