An analysis of the reasons for wanting a Chastity Belt

Submitted by: Anonymous

It should be recognised that the Chastity Belt is a means of fantasy fulfilment. All have sexual fantasies. In some it is sufficient to dream about the fantasy during arousal; in a few, they need to go further, they need to read or write about the fantasy, to find out more, to see pictures or to hear about real experiences; a very few of these need actually to carry out their fantasies in practical reality, either wearing such a device themselves or obliging others to do so. In many cases, because of the rarity of this fantasy, and the difficulty explaining it to or demanding it of a partner, the practice is carried on in lonely isolation, with the wearer being both the victim and key-holder.

It should be realised that there is not just one fantasy but many, so what is satisfactory in a Chastity Belt design is dependent on the nature of the individual s fantasy,. Let us, therefore, first analyse the different types of Chastity Belt fantasy that people have. This should then point us to what are the essential components of the design to satisfy the differing fantasy elements.

It should be recognised that a fantasy is often related to an attempt to find a practical solution to an otherwise overwhelming conflict that has arisen between ones instinctive drives and the demands of the religion, society, culture, parent, partner or other circumstances. The fantasy realisation that many crave is the reproduction of the feelings that accompany that conflict. This is not a view shared by all psychologists, but I believe it to be true, and I think that many will find that there is an explanation in their own experience of their fantasies.

1) Denial of Intercourse:

In this fantasy, it is permissible for the individual to touch or stimulate the genitals, to experience arousal and orgasm, but not for any penetrative sex to take place.

This fantasy is most common, now, in those whose religion, culture or circumstances makes contraceptives unavailable. In past times, before contraceptives existed, it may well have affected anybody in a culture that prohibited extramarital pregnancy. It is also common amongst those cultures that place a high value on virginity and the physical evidence of it in an intact hymen. Because both of these constraints affect women far more than men, this fantasy is most commonly found in women. It is found in men, also, because these constraints also deny the fulfilment of their instincts.

A Chastity Belt to satisfy this fantasy is, therefore, one that is light, comfortable, secure and hygienic, but does not deny touching and direct stimulation, arousal or orgasm. There are Chastity Belts on public sale that adequately satisfy these requirements for both men and women.

2) Prevention of Touching.

In this fantasy, it is permissible for the individual to experience arousal or orgasm as long as no touching or direct stimulation occurs.

This fantasy is most common in those who have experienced zealously puritanical parents telling them throughout child-hood not to touch their own genitals. Some are also warned not to squeeze their thighs together, not to press themselves against furniture, and not to allow any direct stimulation. Often these prohibitions are accompanied by warnings of harm they may cause themselves if they do this. All of us laugh nervously and feel a memory of anxiety when a comedian makes the inuendo: You ll go blind!

Many children learn at a very early age to experience orgasm; if they are caught in the act, the parents may be shocked and react strongly. Some parents issue threats or warnings, more often the child reads more than is intended from the parent s unspoken disapproval or disgust. The child feels that he is being watched and is fearful of being caught again; he tries to stop doing it. He experiences a period of no orgasms for a while and then learns to get to orgasm without any touching or direct stimulation. This fantasy is more common in men than in women because their early arousal and self stimulation is more visible to parents.

A Chastity Belt to satisfy this fantasy is one that is comfortable, secure and hygienic but prevents all contact with and direct stimulation of the genitals. It should, however, not prevent arousal and orgasm from being achieved by rhythmic contraction of the internal muscles of the pelvis. There are Chastity Belts on sale for men that adequately satisfy this fantasy. Very few of the female belts on sale is fully capable of preventing direct stimulation.

The Victorians developed a wide range of anti-masturbation apparatus. These included female appliances that fully enclosed the genitals and prevented any contact or direct stimulation. Their fitting was an exacting process. There is more detail about Victorian anti-masturbation devices in the appendix.

3) Total Denial of Orgasm:

In this fantasy, it is permissible to experience arousal but never orgasm except in erotic dreams. In some versions of the fantasy, it is permissible, indeed, for the genitals to be touched or stimulated, as long as no orgasm occurs; in practice this is difficult to achieve with a Chastity Belt.

This fantasy arises mainly because of the religious or cultural beliefs that sex is for reproduction after marriage only and that orgasms for any other purpose are intrinsically wrong. It should be recognised that these beliefs go very deep in some cultures and boys go to extreme lengths to try to stop themselves from ejaculating. Ironically, girls may be largely unaffected as there is so little spoken about or understood about sex in these cultures. Often the belief relates specifically to ejaculation rather than orgasm, and girls often find out only long after puberty that there is any religious prohibition on their own pleasurable experiences.

A comfortable Chastity Belt to satisfy this fantasy is almost impossible to achieve. Instinct and physiology insist that orgasms occur from time to time, and the desire simply increases until the slightest stimulation precipitates it. In the extreme, a wholly mental stimulus without any physical component is sufficient.

The Victorian anti-masturbation appliance manufacturers found that they could not achieve this totally orgasm-free state except by the use of appliances that contained devices to cause pain when orgasm approached. In both males and females, the orgasm is preceded by clenching of the pelvic muscles. In both sexes, points can be found where these contractions cause sensitive erectile tissue to move outwards from the pubic bone. By positioning blunted spikes at these points, arousal to a high level can occur without discomfort, but the first clench causes a high level of pain. Springs either side of the spikes hold the flesh out of contact at other times, and separate the flesh from the spikes once impalement has occurred.

4) Orgasms with Partner Only are Allowed:

In this fantasy, the partner holds the key. No masturbation or solo orgasms of any kind are allowed, but orgasms in penetrative sex with the partner occur if infrequently.

This fantasy is related to the religious or cultural belief that only penetrative sex with a partner is normal, anything else is abnormal and shameful. Again, this belief goes amazingly deep in many cultures, even where the religious component is largely absent. There are many reported instances in Russia, for instance, where young girls undergo repeated abortions because young people do not allow themselves to have orgasms other than in two-person sex.

A Chastity Belt to satisfy this fantasy is reasonably easy to achieve provided that partner sex is sufficiently frequent that the wearer does not get to the stage where spontaneous orgasms occur. Otherwise, the problem is the same as that with total orgasm denial: a pain sanction is the only way to prevent unwanted orgasms. The critical interval varies from person to person, and with the design of belt; it may be as little as four days or as much as a fortnight.

5) Discomfort or Pain Discouraging Arousal and Orgasm:

In this fantasy any arousal or orgasm is always accompanied by discomfort or pain. Arousal and orgasm do occur, although they may well be infrequent. Discomfort and pain typically increase as arousal increases and orgasm approaches. Each orgasms is, in effect, a battle between the desire for orgasm and the desire to avoid the discomfort and pain.

There are two principal causes for this fantasy. The first relates to the use of nappies, (called, for some obscure reason, diapers in the US). I have seen my mother put a nappy on my baby son when his penis was erect. She pressed the penis down into the flaccid position and then fastened the nappy tightly in place over it. It must have caused the boy considerable discomfort. I am certain that she did this also to me. The fantasy of the penis being forced down into the flaccid position and held there so that any arousal causes discomfort is clearly at the root of my fantasy, and, because this practice is surprisingly common, behind that of many other people.

The second cause is related to circumcision, and the discomfort experienced in arousal and attempts at orgasm during the healing period after this mutilation. In a child already used to orgasm, there will be many factors which relate the experience to this type of Chastity Belt fantasy, (bruising and swelling of the shaft, pressure of nappies against the bruising, failed attempts to obtain orgasm). Because of the causes, this fantasy is almost totally confined to males. If any females are affected, they have probably suffered some sort of genital injury or bruising at some time.

Male Chastity Belts to satisfy this fantasy are reasonably easy to achieve. As long as the penis tube is shorter than the erect penis, and takes a sufficiently sharp down-curve, the feelings required are there. Many men with this fantasy, however, would like to apply belts with this effect to their female partners, and this is far more difficult to achieve.

6) Only the other person gets orgasms:

In this fantasy, there is total or near-total orgasm denial for the victim, but he or she is obliged to provide frequent orgasms for his or her partner. In most cases, methods other than vaginal penetration are used to give the partner orgasms. In a few cases, a device is imagined that allows penetrative sex and satisfaction of the partner but prevents orgasm in the victim.

This has many possible sources. One is the belief, once common, that if the woman denies herself orgasm during and after sex, she will avoid pregnancy. Another is the male using denial or withdrawal as a form of contraception. Another possible source is where there has been some sexual abuse or rape, where the victim feels him or her self to have been used to give the abuser orgasms but has got nothing for him or her self. Another is where the, (usually male), partner is insensitive to the female's needs and gets his own orgasms then rolls over to go to sleep leaving the woman frustrated. This is especially a problem in cultures that forbid masturbation. Another is where the woman is very slow to arouse, so that the man has to hold back for a long period to allow the woman to experience orgasm.

Both men and women experience this fantasy, and it is often accompanied by a wider fantasy of total enslavement, (which may well be abuse related). Remember that abuse may not be overt. I well remember being dandled on the knee of an Uncle when I was quite small. He would be fully clothed and there would be other people present in the room. Only I was aware of him bouncing me up and down far more vigorously than I wanted, pressing my bottom through his clothes onto a mysterious lump beneath. Only later did I discover that he was considered not quite safe to be left alone with small children. Only much later did I understand the nature and effect of the bouncing and pressing I had been subjected to.

For those wishing to act out this fantasy, there is little on the present-day market to satisfy them. As stated before, orgasm cannot be denied for long without inflicting some pain. The various forms of Kali's teeth probably come closest for the male.

The Victorian anti-masturbation appliances again offered a suitable solution here, being provided with spikes to impale the erectile flesh that expands on the clench reflex that precedes orgasm. In principle it should be possible to design a device, (although I have never seen one described), that left the genitals almost entirely free and fully usable and that provided only the appropriately-positioned spikes attached to a close-fitting belt. This would allow penetrative sex without partner satisfaction.

To summarise:

The manufacturer of a Chastity Belt is one who has his own fantasy that he is trying to fulfil. He may leave many of his clients dissatisfied, however, unless he is aware that their fantasy differs from his, and unless takes the necessary steps to satisfy their needs. He should ascertain the nature of their fantasy, of the feelings they are trying to reproduce, and should alter his design to suit the fantasy-needs of each individual.


Victorian Anti-Masturbation Appliances:

The Victorian anti-masturbation devices took the science of mechanical orgasm elimination to its ultimate extreme. For anybody with an obsession with Chastity Belts, they are worth a detailed study. The details are horrific and not for the weak of stomach. I say Victorian although the first published references were in 1808 and they continued to be featured in medical appliance catalogues until 1930. Indeed, improvements were still being made in design right up to their discontinuation, and the most highly developed examples therefore come from well within living memory.

They were usually made of brass, and then heavily plated, generally with a nickel-silver alloy similar to that used for coinage. The plating prevented corrosion and dermatological problems but was more durable than either pure silver or gold, (which were, however, also used in cases of allergy). Brass was preferred because it could easily be formed into complex shapes by moulding, casting, silver-soldering, beating and bending. It can also be polished to a high finish. Remember this: most modern padlocks are made of brass, and are considered fully effective for all but the most extreme high-security duties. Security was not a major issue: the devices were checked frequently for fit, wear and effectiveness, and any tampering would soon be noticed. Besides, the wearers were totally convinced that it had to be done for their own health and welfare.

For the male, the crotch-piece was formed of separately moulded and machined left and right halves that were then silver-soldered together. At the tip of the penis-tube, there was an inner slotted container for the glans. A shield in front of the slot provided further protection from interference through the urine-hole. The hole itself was a short tube curving forward from the rear so that there was no straight line of entry for any interference.

In English-speaking countries, it was generally recommended that a male be circumcised before using the device, and careful instructions were given about just how tight this circumcision had to be. (This fact is a large factor in the prevalence of circumcision in the USA today). Circumcision allowed a narrow and short penis-tube to restrict expansion and thus minimise the stimulation provided by the tube. In mainland Europe, however, there was much prejudice against circumcision, and so much longer and wider penis-tubes had to be used. If this was not done, the foreskin could become folded and trapped causing loss of circulation and gangrene. There were many tragic instances of this happening; it was almost inevitably fatal. The longer and wider penis-tube, however, meant that it was not long before the boy learned how to get orgasms within the device, and then the little spikes had to be used as a further discouragement.

In both sexes, the front of the crotch-piece curved up and over the top of the pubic bone, pressing the soft flesh at the base of the belly inwards. This provided accurate control over the location of the crotch-piece, and prevented interference by inserting objects from the front.

For the female, the crotch-piece was formed of an inner and an outer plate silver-soldered together. The inner plate depressed the large lips inwards so as to locate against the inner surfaces of the arch of the pubic bone. A slot with rounded edges allowed the inner lips and clitoris to protrude into the central chamber. The shape thus totally prevented any object from being inserted round the sides so as to touch the clitoris or inner lips. Sometimes there was a separate smaller inner enclosure around the clitoris itself, not touching it, but further isolating it from any possible stimulus. The outer plate was formed to catch and direct the urine and other fluids towards a forward-facing hole at the rear. This hole was both curved and covered by a mesh or shield so that there was no direct line for an object to be inserted to stimulate the parts. Just as with the boys, most girls learned to orgasm within the device within a few months or a couple of years at the most, just by squeezing the internal muscles of the pelvis. Then the little spikes had to be fitted to act as a further deterrent.

In both males and females, the orgasm is preceded by contractions of the pelvic muscles. In both sexes, points can be found where these contractions cause sensitive erectile tissue to move outwards from the pelvic bone. The little spikes used this phenomenon to provide a deterrent against clenching and thus against orgasm. In the male, one such point is at the base of the penis just to the rear of the scrotum. Here the flesh expands about 3 mm from full arousal when the clench occurs, and a pair of spikes would be positioned either side of the urethra pointing upwards. In the female, a similar point exists at the roots of the clitoris shafts, mid-way along the large lips either side of the vaginal entrance. Here the flesh either side expands about 3 mm in an inwards direction, so outward-pointing spikes would be used.

The spikes had blunted tips so that no actual piercing of the flesh occurred, but sharp enough to cause considerable pain. They were fitted behind springs which held the flesh clear of them until the expansion caused by sexual arousal reached the point where it was desired for the spikes to act. The springs also acted to separate the flesh from the spikes once impalement has occurred. In most cases it was desired that full arousal could be achieved without pain, but that the reflex clenching that always preceded orgasm should cause the pain. In some cases, however, (e.g. institutionalised mentally retarded people), all arousal was prevented in this way.

One might wonder how the devices were checked for effectiveness. Once the spikes were in place, it was easy: if there had been attempts to deliberately induce orgasm within the device, this could only be done by rhythmic clenching, and there would be ulceration and soreness around the penetration point of the spikes. Before the spikes came into play, however, it was largely a matter of confidence trickery. The child would be convinced that the professional could tell just by examination. Actually, since an unstoppable instinct was involved, all accusations were justified, and it was only a matter of breaking the child down into a confession.

In either sex, the crotch-plate was generally locked at the front onto metal bands with rounded edges which had been accurately curved to follow the contours of the hip-bones. Across the small of the back, the hip-band stood proud of the back-bone so as not to restrict the movement of the lumbar spines at the sacro-iliac joint. Anybody making a belt that does not provide this should be aware that long-term wear will certainly cause lumbar problems. The rear of the crotch-plate was held in position by two bands passing either side of the buttocks, attached at the top to the sides of the hip-bands. This left the buttocks and anus entirely clear of obstruction. This was not so much for hygiene but again to prevent lower-back problems through restriction of movement at the coccyx.

Those who have worn Chastity Belts for a few days or weeks should just remember this. Some of these young people wore them without cessation for many years. The only break was the regular inspection for fit and effectiveness, and the provision of larger sizes as they grew. Often their only orgasms would be from erotic dreams, and even these were accompanied by pain severe enough that they woke up screaming.

Often, there would be problems because the sexual instinct almost ceased to function. Ejaculation too long delayed causes calcification in the seminal vesicles and results in impotence. Males would have to note every wet dream carefully in a diary; too long a delay and there would have to be prostatic massage to relieve the congestion and restore the ability to ejaculate. Both sexes had a tendency to lose the instinct for arousal. They would find problems actually achieving enough arousal to consummate marriage, since, for as long as they could remember, they had suppressed every experience of arousal for fear of pain and condemnation. They would especially have problems with taking an interest in the opposite sex and falling in love.


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