Sabrina 16 weeks in the dungeon!

Today is Monday, 1 June 1998.

Hello, loves friends!

I'm sorry again for that you haven't heart something from me for a long time and there was no update by me on my homepage. Since my last report on 3 May there was nothing special in the weeks 13 and 14 of my dungeon detention.

On Sunday, 17 May I had at noon a small controversy with my Master. It concerned the meal, what me appeared not particularly good for a meal at Sunday. For the confirmation of my opinion I swept the dish with my meal from the desk, whereby it spread on the floor.

Of course this action wasn't without consequences. I was locked up in the evening by my Master in the small "bathcell", in which I had to spend the last two weeks without interruption - of course well kept in irons and chained to the wall. In this there is no possibility for me of using the PC - unfortunately. Yesterday I was allowed then to leave again the small cell and I came again in the "normal" dungeon.

This morning I had my "2nd Intensive Cleaning" by my Master. For a short time I came out from the dungeon and my chains and could take a bath. Now I'm sitting however again well locked in iron and chained in my dungeon.

My detention time in the dungeon is today already 114 days and there is not the slightest prospect that it will end soon. In the meantime I had come to terms quite well with my punishment as a chain convict and I have also no physical problems with my dungeon detention and the heavy irons.

I hope that I can update my homepage in the future again more regularly, although there is - I think - not very much new to report probably. My dungeon everyday life is (except for the additional punishments because of my disobediences) without great changes and special features.

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