This is Sabrina 's Judgement!
the slave Sabrina showed by neglect of her duties, by inappropriate behavior, conscious offending against agreed rules and requirements and her altogether rigid disobedient and undisciplined behavior, that she can be prevent only by a permanent captivity from her bad actions.
The slave Sabrina had already served several imprisonments in the dungeon as a chain convict. On 19 July 1997 she was therefore branded with the brand of the chain convicts. These punishments however had no good and lasting influence on her and her behavior.
Therefore the slave Sabrina is condemned because of repeated disobedience to a dungeon punishment as a chain convict for life.
It is to be guaranteed by the punishment that the chain convict Sabrina couldn't carry on of committing further offence and violations. Additionally the punishment shall give to the chain convict the opportunity to think about her failures and pay for them.
For the serving of the sentence therefore the following is determined:
All irons and chains are permanently locked (bolts and rivets), only the shield of the chastity belt is locked by a padlock so it can be opened - if necessary.
Heart and agreed on 8 February 1998
Beginning serving of sentences on 8 February 1998, 14:00 o'clock
Statement of the jailer Thomas
As for the serving of sentences at the chain convict Sabrina responsible jailer I commit myself to make sure that the above judgement will be executed correct. I promise to translate the execution of the sentences with all necessary severity. However I will always pay attention thereby on the fact that no health damage of the convict takes place.
It's well-known to me that the chain convict Sabrina isn't able to free herself neither directly (by keys or tools) nor indirectly (by a Safeword) from the execution of sentences. I will therefore pay special attention to all signs and circumstances, which points to the fact of an possible endangerment of the chain convict ant take all measures, in order to turn this endangerment away.
I commit myself however also not to consider any desires of the convict concerning suspension of the punishment and/or relief of the prison conditions during the execution as long as it is recognizable that no risk exists for the health of the chain convict.
Thomas, for the execution of sentences responsible jailer
Statement of the chain convict Sabrina
I accept the above judgement in all points and submit me hereby to the determined execution of sentences by the responsible jailer Master Thomas.
It is conscious to me that the execution of the sentences to dungeon punishment for life is without temporal limitation and a suspension of the execution can be determined only via the responsible jailer Master Thomas.
It is further conscious to me that my body is put for the entire duration of the execution of sentences into heavy irons and thus my freedom of movement is limited.
I explain hereby that all desires expressed by me during the execution of sentences concerning suspension of the punishment and/or relief of the prison conditions shall not be considered by the responsible jailer Master Thomas.
It's well-known to me that I'm not able to free myself neither directly (by keys or tools) nor indirectly (by a Safeword) from the execution of sentences.
I continue to explain that I will not raise any complaints or demands during and after the termination of the execution of sentences to the responsible jailer Master Thomas, as long as he fulfilled his obligations as specified above.
Sabrina, condemned chain convict to dungeon punishment for life
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