Name: C.B. Phile |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi Sabrina. I liked your site so much that I've added a link to it from my own homepage. Nice to have you as a "neighbor" on GeoCities. Please visit my homepage some time and take a look at my own hand-crafted steel chastity belts.
Name: Laila |
My Email: Email Me |
Oh this sounds too good to be true. I know I would love to be in Sabrinas "irons".
Is Sabrine still serving her long sentence? Ther's no recent updates?
Name: HedoNuts |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Lovely site! And great art! Love the irons! It'd sure be nive to have some photos. Where can I get more info on the iron-master cuffs? They are just what I have been looking for!
Thanks and enjoy your dungeon - hedo
Name: Sven |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi Sabrina,
erstaunlich und zugleich auch beeindruckend, wie du das so lange aushaeltst. Wuerde ja gerne auch mal das Feeling haben, nur weiss ich nicht,
ob ich es so lange durchstehen wuerde. Auf jedenfall klingt es interessant, so lange einem Master ausgesetzt zu sein, und nicht nur fuer einen Abend oder so.
Ich schau ab und zu mal rein, ob es vielleicht was neues gibt.
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
My Email: Email Me |
Nice site. I'm glad I rescanned Tasker's links today. When he tells you you need to update, ask him about his link page.
Name: Joe |
My URL: Visit Me |
Hi Sabrina,
grossartige Site !! - weiter so !!
Vielleicht erlaubt Dir Dein Herr die Beantwortung einiger Fragen:
Ist Sabrina dein echter Name?
Wie gut schuetzt Dein Keuschheitsguertel gegen Masturbation? Kannst Du mit angelegtem KG Orgasmen bekommen?
Wie lange bist Du schon bei Deinem Herren ?
Und wie habt Ihr euch denn kennengelernt?
Wie hat sich eurer gemeinsames Leben zu dem entwickelt das es heute ist? Gab es Schluesselerlebnisse ?
Zum Schluss noch ein Rat fuer Dich Sabrina:
Mach weiter so ! Lass dich nicht von Zweifeln
von Deiner Leidenschaft abbringen !
Name: Harry Tasker |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
HI Sabrina,
glad your site is online again. Anyway you should update it more often.
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Good to know you are both well. Sabrina is very
lucky to have such a caring master.
Name: Mistress Laura |
My Email: Email Me |
sabrina...I might first say that your site is very well done and well thought it.. in your guest book you have an early response from a sub named "daniel".. he is know mine and I will be planning his dungeon from many of your thoughts. Congrats to your Ma
ter on his well thought out design. I am sure daniel will be equally content once I have concluded my plans for him. he talks about you often and your site and dreams of this.. if you read in your guest book about him.. he was searching for what you have.
he has found it and I hope the two of you can exchange email (when he behaves enough to be allowed that privilege).. Good Luck to you and your Master..
Mistress Laura
Ray - 08/21/98 15:56:11 My | Comments: Hello, Sabrina. I am wondering, does Master visit you every day? What do you do about food if Master must travel? And, in what way do you repay master for his care, do you service Master with your mouth? --Ray |
Kathryn - 08/12/98 02:29:14 My | Comments: Liebe Sabrina, sie werden meine schlechte sicher verzeien. So eingespart wie du zu sein werden sicher aufregend fur fur die erste parr tage und vieleicht auch fur ein parr Wochen, aber Monate lang waere mir unertraglich. Trotzdem fand ich das geschicht ntressant. Aber ich bin ein bischen neugerig, wirst du gehorsam sein als du aus der Kerker Kommst bliebst du lieber da? Katrina Zusetzlig danke ich dir fuer das Englisch Ueberstezung. |
- 08/10/98 04:35:52 My | Comments: Sabrina, lucky girl, hope you are well. |
- 08/06/98 01:44:42 | Comments: |
Eric - 08/04/98 06:26:23 My | Comments: |
Frank - 07/13/98 16:32:37 My | Comments: Very nice site, greetings from SMart Rhein/Ruhr Group Cologne Friends in mind |
Sebastian - 07/12/98 10:32:07 My URL: My | Comments: Hi! Hei§e Seite - wird das nicht langweilig den ganzen Tag in Ketten? Ich wŸrde ganz gerne mal Fotos von deinem Verlies sehen-das wŠre ziemlich interessant-alles in allem eine geile Idee-der Kerker Gru§ Sebastian |
daniel - 07/09/98 20:58:53 My | Comments: Dear Sabrina, I am very envious of your incarceration. At 43, I have reached a level of financial independance where I now am searching for the Female equivalent of your master. You are living testemony that it is possible and can happen. I know She exi ts! All the best, especially in your quiet time...a kindred spirit. daniel |
Madamplz - 07/06/98 21:39:43 My | Comments: My dear Max and sabrina, I read sabrina's story with great interest as there is a slave with whom I have been contemplating such an existence. What makes it most interesting to me is that we may be able to remove any financial constraints to enjoying such a Mistress and slave ty e relationship. It has always been my opinion that if one has to work for a living, then one's Mistress or Master is, by necessity, one's employer. Might I ask if you feel the same. How you are able to be at your Master's complete disposal, sabrina? Do you work only sometimes? Or does Master support both of you? Thank you very much for your stories. I will await your answer with great anticipation. Madam |
Christian - 07/03/98 16:58:06 My | Comments: Hi Sabrina, Ich finde immer noch das Deine Seite keine Fotos braucht, Sie ist wirklich gelungen und regt die Fantasy an. Gespannt warte ich auf jedes Deiner Updates. Ich habe allerdings noch ein Paar Fragen Hast Du keine Probleme mit MuskelschwŠche, mit ein paa Kniebeugen und ein wenig herumgehen kšnnen doch nicht Deine Muskeln ausreichend bewegt werden, oder?? Kann es nicht passieren, dass Du Dich an Brei oder Šhnlichem verschluckst wenn du den FŸtterungsknebel trŠgst??Kann Dein Master ihn schnell genug a nehmen bevor du arge Probleme mit der Sauerstoffzufuhr bekommst?? TrŠgst Du Piercings?? Danke schonmal im vorraus Christian |
undertaker - 06/30/98 21:37:51 My | Comments: Du bist wirklich eine vorbildliche Sklavin Sabrina, Dein Master ist zu beneiden. Als Abwechslung zu Deinem SitzkŠfig kann ich Dir einen Sarg empfehlen, der wenn der Deckel geschlossen, mit seinen 6 Schrauben verschraubt ist einen besonderen Reiz mit sich bringt. FŸr genŸgend Luft im Sarg mu§ natŸrlich gesorgt werden. Dazu wird ein LŸftungssystem (nach Wunsch Luftzufuhr regelbar) im Boden entwickelt, da§ aber kein Licht ins innere dringen darf ist dabei auch klar. In den Sarg kann man noch eine Halsgeige einbauen und somit eine perfekte Fesselung zu erreichen. Also dann weiterhin gutes Fesseln und Einkerkern. undertaker |
- 06/29/98 14:58:18 My | Comments: Hello Sabrina You are the best ! Gruss Hans |
brett - 06/19/98 01:26:07 My | Comments: Wow. What a cool site :) Sabrina, you are a star. I think i can however understand to a degree how you like to accept slavery. Much as i would like to see pictures of you and your dungeon, having read your reasons i can totally see why you choose not to publish any on the Web. Keep up the good works guys :) |
Howard - 06/14/98 05:55:05 My | Comments: Its great, how about adding it to handcuffs, leg irons to convert to some 'home-made' retrains? Keep up with the work!! Howard |
Howard - 06/14/98 05:47:51 My | Comments: Very Attractive. Good Job. Keep up with it. |
Geoffrey - 06/09/98 07:49:33 My | Comments: Very interesting site. I trust that your master will keep you properly in line. Your master is very blessed to have such an obedient and eager slave as you. |
Sam Smith - 06/04/98 08:37:15 My | Comments: You have a real keen site I must admit, I've been coming in and going out all the time not leaving any messages of any kind. Sorry my bad habit, Are you to be parrolled soon? That outfit shouldn't be worn too long a period at a time poor circulation could result. |
- 06/02/98 21:28:29 | Comments: I think your chastity belt is excellent. I hope you leave it on after your release from the dungeon as well, good luck to you |
F.W. - 05/31/98 23:01:45 | Comments: Hi Sabrina ! ...Hm, was soll ich schreiben...? Heiss oder bizarr oder ...?!! In jedem Fall: Fantastisch und wirklich beeindruckend ! Lesen wir bald mehr von Dir ? Oder hast Du Deinem Master unklugerweise ein weiteres Mal Anla§ zu zusŠtzlicher Strafe (www-Verbot) gegeben ? :-) Herzliche GrŸsse F.W. |
Lord Daniel the Grey of Leva - 05/31/98 01:36:12 My | Comments: Nice site. I think, i spend a Bookmark for this. |
Olivier Corel - 05/27/98 12:45:41 My URL: My | Comments: Great! Your page is wonderful, I visit it very often. I have a personal page about handcuffs, in french. I'll come back soon!! |
JG-LEATHERS - 05/24/98 16:42:22 My | Comments: Absolutely Incredible! I write stories about this sort of situation, but this is the first time I've seen it for real. Sabrina, keep being a bad girl!! :-) The tale is wonderful. JG-L |
cycle sadist - 05/15/98 00:40:15 | Comments: you have restored my faith in women. |
- 05/01/98 16:01:35 My | Comments: hey Sabrina, great page. I was wondering if anyone else has/does live like Sabrina. I would love to hear from anyone with a story. |
The Master of The Rhinoclb - 04/28/98 07:30:30 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Sabrina... Everyone was waitin' for the update on sunday and nothing happened... :( What has our BAD GIRL done that she was not allowed to update her site on sunday ???? We are all waitin' for the things to come.... Jeder hat auf das Update am Sonntag gewartet abba es kam nix :( ... Was hat unser BAD GIRL wieder angestellt dass es seine Seiten nicht updaten durfte ??? Wir harren alle der Dinge die da kommen moegen... cu the master of the Rhinoclb |
rodney - 04/16/98 13:56:32 My | Comments: I really enjoy your site, and find your heavy iron harness very fascinating and is something I dream to experience myself. I would be curious of a male design of it (still having a bra) and have you ever thought of adding a steel corset? Please keep up up ated and I'm very curious of how your metal bra is designed. |
chris - 04/14/98 02:48:13 My | Comments: thank you for your page, you are living my dreams. i admire you and your Master for your integrity and generousity if you wish, i would be happy to assist you in editing some of your pages. chris |
Klaus - 04/04/98 20:05:13 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Sabrina, Hope you're such a nice and wise girl that you may be considered to be put on probation soon. If precautions are really necessary, on my new 'Chain Weaving' pages you may find something 'Sabrina secure' (if done the right way) but nevertheless reasonably comfortable. Cheers - Klaus 'Sabrina secure' |
Tarl Cabot - 04/04/98 14:30:35 My | Comments: Nice and exciting! We want more... |
Grazia - 03/21/98 11:16:30 My | Comments: Wonderful pages. I am going to approach a situation very close to your and I would like to discuss with you some details. E-mail me, if you can. Keep on going! |
Rich. - 03/11/98 23:21:07 My | Comments: Wow! I hope you enjoy your hobby. :-) And remember in any lasting relationship there is the important factor of communications. :-) Prosperity to you!. |
Chip - 03/06/98 05:31:14 My | Comments: Hi Sabrina!!!!! Hope you are doing well in the dungeon. I would think you would be boared. Hope you are well. Been thinking about you. ((((((HUGS)))))) |
railroad - 02/28/98 00:43:45 My | Comments: Great sight loved your comments .Wish you all the best . Will stop by again . thankyou again |
Klaus - 02/26/98 20:36:48 My | Comments: Hi Sabrina, In case your master considers once more to put you on probation, there is quite a nice place to visit, and it is even in Bavaria! In the old town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber one does not only stumble over lots and lots of tourists, but there is the Medieval Crime Museum, too, with exhibits in abundance which should make bad girls shiver. There you find much more than on their web site |
Grischnakh - 02/19/98 10:46:40 My | Comments: Lieber Master von Sabrina, um es gleich vorweg zu nehmen: ich bin begeistert von der Detailversessenheit Deiner Ma§nahmen zur `Aufbewahrung« Deiner angeketteten Sabrina. Besonders aber davon, wie lange Du sie in Eurem Kerker lŠ§t. Ich selber besitze einen alten TrinkwassererdbehŠlt r aus der Zeit um die Jahrhundertwende; ein regelrechtes Gewšlbe. Feucht, dunkel und auf mŠchtigen SŠulen ruhend. In ihm halte ich zeitweise ebenfalls eine in schwere Ketten gelegte Gefangene, die aber (leider) nur Ÿber das Wochenende ihr Lager auf Stroh innimmt. Vielleicht hast Du Lust, die eine oder andere Erfahrung hinsichtlich Nahrung, Hygiene, Kettenarten etc. auszutauschen. FŸr alle FŠlle hier meine E-Mail Adresse: Gru§ Thomas |
Marsha - 02/17/98 03:22:47 My | Comments: Loved visiting your site and would love to spend time in a dungeon such as yours. I don't have a Master but I do have two girfriends who enjoy playing with my restraints so that I end up quite tightly chained and gagged for hours at a time. Such fun! Keep up the nice work on your site and don't worry about your English - |
Klaus - 02/15/98 23:11:39 My | Comments: Hello Sabrina, Thinking about the good design of your dungeon, I wonder whether you actually have some daylight down there. Are you allowed some literature? And as tell that you are firmly secured to the wall, would it be more exciting to have the doors of the dungeon open or locked shut? |
Chip - 02/14/98 16:38:34 My | Comments: Greetings: Love your web page. Would love to see pictures of you in your harness. Would like to see an actual picture of the dungeon also. What do you do all day long? Looks like you are in for the long haul this time. Good Luck. |
G. Rant - 02/13/98 04:20:11 | Comments: With no photos of your dungeon or heavy iron harness, I cannot tell if your story is real or just a fantasy, but I like it very much either way. When you are in your harness and the dungeon for a long time how do you keep yourself clean after using the to let or when you have your period? Or do you just not get clean? I am an English major and teacher- Would you like me to re-write your English translation? It is mostly understandable, but the grammer is not always correct... I hope to hear more about your dungeon life! G. Rant |
Christian Christensen - 02/11/98 22:42:02 My | Comments: Unbelivable !!,Is all this really true ??,fantastic !!. Tell more about your suite and how often your master visit you during your long periods in the dungeon.How do you deal with your "periods" and your chastity belt ? Hygien ? How long time have you endored as longest with your metal gag ? What about pain in your cheek muscels? Describe how a ordinary day is in the dungeon ? When do your master wisit you ? What does he do ? Food ? What do you think about when time passes in the dungeon ? Tell more,tell more....!!! I do have a lot of experiences in bdsm, but if all this is true, you and your master has a lot to tell all us . It would be nice if your master could describe his experiences too. All love and joy from Christian |
regine - 02/11/98 13:41:17 | Comments: I hope, you have a good time imprisoned again. This time it will probably be longer than 105 days, so keep in the mood. Please let us know a little bit more about your chastity belt and if its opened during your time in the dungeon. Perhaps you can explai your dungeon suit. It seems it has a hood, so what about your hair? |
Jack - 02/11/98 04:08:44 My | Comments: Great site! Your dungeon looks great. You should see mine. Your heavy restraints look fantastic. |
Ernest - 02/10/98 08:09:09 My Email:vztech | Comments: Hello Sabrina. Your dungeon is wonderfull! |
werner - 02/09/98 12:10:42 My | Comments: eine super seite !!! das animiert mich ja direkt zum ideenklau ;-)) dann bin ich also nicht der einzige der in ketten liegt?! wann setzt ihr auch ein bild von euch ein? bin begeistert... werner |
Altairboy - 02/07/98 22:39:01 My URL: My | Comments: I do not speak german, but your website is excellent. Good job!! |
regine - 02/07/98 21:40:54 | Comments: Thanks, Sabrina, for this phantstic site. Sounds too good to be true, but I hope it is. Keep on adding more pages so I can come back often |
Jennifer - 02/05/98 22:01:37 | Comments: I like your sight alot. You should add some pics of you in your "Sabrina Proof" handcuffs and leg irons. Wish I had a pair like that, oh well, guess my handcuffs and leg irons will have to do for now. |
Joe - 02/04/98 19:27:22 My | Comments: Sabrina, Great page. When are we going to see pictures of you in the hinged handcuffs? Hope it is soon. |
SuperA - 02/03/98 20:00:58 My | Comments: Great web site; love to see more photos - you have a lovely body and ought to share it with the world. Glad to see you enjoy enforced chastity (as I do). My wife keeps me locked up 7/24 and about 51 of the 52 weeks of the year. |
george williams - 02/03/98 13:03:14 My | Comments: Magnificently erotic web site. Keep it up! Would love to hear from you by E-mail.My German is a little rusty, but I understand most of what is written. |
Rainer - 02/03/98 06:32:49 My | Comments: Super!!!!! Eine Partnerin wie Dich mŸsste man haben. Vielleicht nicht ganz so extrem... Naja, mšglicherweise schreibt mit ja mal eine Frau, die auch gerne Ihren Traum verwirklichen wŸrde. Man soll die Hoffnung nie aufgeben... Rainer |
Bob - 02/01/98 02:19:22 | Comments: I am not that good at German, so give me some slack. Ich finde deine seiht spitze! Es ist Super. |
Carnage - 01/30/98 15:49:11 My Email: | Comments: Ich finde deine seite super,es scheint wir haben die gleichen vorlieben.Toll,dass du deine so ausleben kannst. Ich wŸrde gerne ein paar bilder von dir ic ketten sehen!! Das wŸrde die seite perfekt machen. |
Max - 01/25/98 16:47:22 | Comments: Ein Beginn ist es schon ! Das Logo braucht noch ein bischen zu lange zum Laden, du kannses vielleicht noch optimieren (70 kb!) Show me the pix ;-)) Max |