A question about tube design

It has been mentioned previously that the male member needs to be coated with a cream such as "Nivera" to help repel urine. The tube has drain holes in it to let urine out. But we still had a question:

Is the curved penis tube a tight fit, or more loose, so that you can insert the penis into the tube easily? Is the furthest end of the curved tube closed off, or open as it curves back towards the anus? If it is loose fitting, what happens when you start to get an erection?

A user wrote back:

The tube in Walter's belt is not so tightly fitted to the penis as the Tollyboy/Jones design. It measures about 30 mm. So it is easy to insert the penis. The tube is completely closed and curved down between the legs. So it is possible to have some erection. No full erection of course because the tube is curved down. But a swollen penis is possible. E.G. mornings you can wake up with a little erection. But you can't touch or feel the penis.

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Page last updated 97-Jan-07 by: Altairboy@aol.com