Her Power

Submitted by: WiskerFox

Jarol was a strong, handsome young man. As the son of the village chieftain, he was learning to be a good, honest, and fair leader. The village elders all agreed that Jarol would, someday, make a good chief. Not that they were in a hurry to lose Jarol's father, but..., well, that's another story.

Today, Jarol was working on the irrigation ditches. In truth, this system had been his idea, and it promised to improve the harvest by at least half. He was working on the part that controlled how much water was being sent to the fields. It was tricky getting it just right, so the fields wouldn't be flooded out. So he did not hear the sorceress approach.

She had to be a sorceress. Jarol had never seen one, but he had heard stories about them. She was very self possessed. The women of the village tended to be much less confident in their manner. This woman was not at all shy, or timid. Neither was she overly arrogant. She simply approached Jarol with great confidence, and poise. Jarol noted that she was tall, perhaps 1.8 meters, and slender. She was not thin, in a hungry sense. She seemed to have a very healthy, and athletic build. A build which was not, he noted, obscured by an overabundance of clothing. She was also quite lovely.

Jarol had not yet taken a wife, though there were a number of young women in the village who had indicated an interest in the job. Jarol had bedded not a few of these, and so was no stranger to desires of the flesh. He immediately, and involuntarily felt a strong, lustful attraction to this strange woman. If anything, the woman seemed to become even more beautiful. Jarol remembered that he was a polite young man, and attempted to banish such thoughts from his mind. He bowed slightly, and greeted her.

"Well met, traveler. My name is Jarol, and you are near to the village of Westreach."

"Well met, young Jarol. I am Shandra, and I have come from Kishra."

This did not mean anything to Jarol, as he had never heard of Kishra, and he was slightly confused by Shandra's use of the phrase "young Jarol". That was something one was more likely to hear from an elder, and Shandra appeared only a few years older than Jarol himself. But politeness has its own rules.

"You must be weary from your journey, Lady Shandra. May I guide you to Westreach, where you might find rest and refreshment?"

"In truth, young Jarol, I have been traveling in search of a strong young man such as yourself to enlist his aid."

Again, with the "young Jarol". Jarol looked at Shandra. He saw that she appeared to be a woman of perhaps twenty years. But he noticed that her eyes, her manner, and her expression were those of a much older woman. The way she spoke to him, and looked at him reminded Jarol of one of the village women, Lorna, whose husband had been killed some years before, but who was still interested in sharing the bed of a man. Lorna was about forty-five. Lorna was no longer a young woman, but she was very good at pleasing a man, and she had taught Jarol much about how to please a woman. Yes, Shandra's manner was very much like Lorna. It came to Jarol at that point that Shandra might be physically interested in him. And with this thought, Jarol began to have lustful thoughts again. But Jarol did not see why a woman might journey so far to find a "strong young man", and he forced his mind back to the priorities of the moment. The place that Shandra had given as her home was not a place with which he was familiar. Jarol was familiar with the land for many days walk from Westreach, so this woman's home was easily two weeks travel from his own. And perhaps some of the details of the stories that Jarol had heard in his youth about sorceresses were beginning to surface.

"Happy would I be to assist you, Lady Shandra, and I will do whatever is in my power to help you. Though I do not understand your plight."

"Then I shall tell you, young Jarol."

It seemed to Jarol, that Shandra was becoming more attractive with each passing moment. He tried to concentrate on their conversation, but it was becoming more difficult. Shandra's manner of speech, and movement seemed to be flirtatious, and inviting, but not in an obvious sort of way. It would not do for Jarol to assume that Shandra meant to seduce him. He was the son of a leader, and the future leader of his people. He must set an example. Jarol began to remember that the stories about sorceresses mentioned that they were dangerous. Jarol could not recall the nature of the danger, however. Surely, this lovely young woman could not be dangerous?

"Kishra is being threatened by a neighboring land. I require the assistance of a man such as yourself if I am to prevent Kishra from being destroyed."

"Truly do I wish that I could help you, Lady Shandra, but I have no skill or knowledge of War."

"How sweet. I am not interested in warriors. But I believe that you do posses the qualities which I need."

At this, Shandra laid the palm of her hand on Jarol's chest. Suddenly, Jarol's thoughts were flooded with lust. His blood was thundering in his ears. His muscles tensed. He wanted to reach for her, to take her, savagely, like an animal. But, no, he did not know this woman. He had met her only minutes ago. She had not actually invited him to do anything of an intimate nature. Jarol fought with himself to contain this sudden surge of primal urges. Slowly, he was able to bring himself back under control. Shandra smiled.

"Yes, Jarol, I think you are exactly what I am looking for."

Shandra began walking around Jarol. Slowly, she circled him, lightly running her hand across his chest and shoulders as she went. "But, you must go with me willingly, and agree to place yourself completely at my mercy."

Jarol was almost in a trance. Somehow, he had to go with Shandra. He wanted to help her. Somehow, he needed to help her. Of course he would go with Shandra. How could he possibly do otherwise. Surely lives must hang in the balance.

"I will gladly go with you, Lady Shandra."

Shandra smiled again. By this time, she had circled back to a position in front of Jarol. She stopped, faced him, and placed a hand on either side of Jarol's neck, just below his ears.

"Are you certain that this is what you wish Jarol?"

"Yes, Lady Shandra."

"Mistress." She said softly.


"Where I come from, they call me Mistress."

"Yes, Mistress Shandra, I will gladly go with you."

Shandra's eyes softened, and her smile grew wider.

"Thank you." She said.

And as Jarol looked into her eyes, the land around him changed. It wasn't instantaneous, and it didn't happen slowly. The fields, and woods, and the river just seemed to shimmer for a moment, as though looking at them across a hot expanse of desert sand, and then they were gone. It took a moment for Jarol's eyes to adjust, as his new surroundings were somewhat more poorly lit. Shortly, he determined that he was inside a large, but comfortably furnished room. What lighting there was emanated from wall sconces. While it was not very bright in the room, he found that the effect was pleasant, and that there was easily enough to see by. Though Jarol was somewhat disoriented, he was able to quickly connect a series of thoughts that he felt he needed to express.

"You ARE a sorceress." A revelation, not a question.

"Yes, Jarol, I am a sorceress. Some believe I am among the most powerful of my kind. Does that frighten you? What do you know of us?"

"I remember hearing stories about sorceresses when I was a child. But I don't remember much. I do remember being told that sorceresses were dangerous."

"I suppose that sorceresses can be dangerous, Jarol, but you are not in any real danger."

"Why do you need my help?"

"I need you to make myself strong. I need you for the power that you can give me."

"I have no power to give you. Or at least not as much as you must have already."

"Magical power comes from, or can come from, a number of different sources. You may have heard that there is power in the rocks that fall from the heavens. But this power is difficult to use for external magic. Trying to tap into it can be very dangerous. Usually, such artifacts are used to make weapons or other objects. Such objects can be very powerful, and if properly prepared can be nearly indestructible. In limited cases, these objects can be used as amplifiers for personal magic, but this is quite rare."

"There is magic in nature. In the birds, and the trees, and in the very earth. But such magic is difficult to reach. Often, the nature is damaged or destroyed in trying to use the magic it contains. Wizards use this type of magic more often than sorceresses."

"There is magic in death. This is a powerful type of magic, but the magician using it is nearly always evil. And usually psychotic in the bargain. Wizards use this type of magic more often as well. Though there have been a few sorceresses who have done so, and they were among the most terrible of that kind of magician."

"And there is magic in life, in feeling, in thought, and in emotion. It is fleeting. It is difficult to capture. Difficult to harness. Only a very few wizards have ever been able to use this type of magic. Some sorceresses were able to tap into their own essences for power reliably. Most had to settle for external sources for this power. Few were able to utilize it in any reliable fashion. The most successful sorceresses were those that were able to focus on one particular type of power. The power of sexual desire."

"So that is why I brought you to Kishra. I will become more powerful merely because you desire me."

"You want us to have sex?" Jarol replied eagerly.

"Not exactly. You having sex will not give me that much power. But you wanting to have sex, with me, will. Regrettably, it is your desire, your lust, and not the fulfillment of that desire that creates the energy that I can use. I can, and will fulfill your desire from time to time, to keep you sane, healthy, rewarded, and motivated. But I warn you that I won't be able to do so very often, since this will necessarily deplete my powers for a time."

Shandra looked at Jarol for a moment, and asked; "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress Shandra, I think I understand."

"And will you willingly stay here, and make me the sole focus of your unfulfilled desire?"

"Yes, Mistress Shandra, I will."

"Thank you Jarol. I must thank you, and the people of Kishra will thank you. I promise that when the threat to Kishra is over you will be greatly rewarded."

She led him over to an elaborate looking bed, and said; "There are some things I must prepare. Sleep now."

When Jarol woke, many hours later, he had almost convinced himself that the meeting with Shandra had been a dream. Until he opened his eyes. Looking about him, and seeing the elaborate room again, Jarol realized that Shandra, and the amazing story about sex and magic must be true.

"She wants me to want her. I'm already doing that. This will be easy." He thought.

Shandra walked into the room. Behind her, a wheeled cart followed silently. Various implements were visible on the cart. The function of some was obvious. In other cases, they were quite mysterious. She pulled up a chair to sit on as Jarol sat up in the bed.

"I am ready to begin. I will give you one last chance to leave, if you wish to. Once I begin, I will have to use a sizeable fraction of the power I have now to complete the binding. I will be unable to release you from my service for a time after it is done, and for some time following that, it will be very costly for me to do so. If I were to let you go, I would still need to find another to take your place, and the threat to my country grows daily. Again I must ask you; Are you certain you wish to stay, and place yourself at my mercy?"

"Yes, Mistress Shandra, I do."

"Be certain. Few men could endure what I must do to you. Fewer still would enjoy it."

"You said that you would fulfill my desire from time to time, and that I would be rewarded once your task was done. I admit that I already find you very desirable. If my desire can help you, I am willing to help. I even find the concept itself exciting. I believe your reward will be worth the wait. I will stay and help you, Mistress Shandra."

Shandra smiled again. Jarol thought her so beautiful now, that she almost seemed to glow in his eyes. Of course what he did not know was that his desire for her was even now increasing her power, and that it was this power that was allowing her to become more desirable to him.

Shandra reached behind her to retrieve a small bottle from the cart. She handed him the bottle, and asked him to drink it. Jarol did so immediately. It had a smooth cool slippery texture, and the taste was not at all unpleasant. After he had drank the potion, she handed him a small stone.

"The potion was a lubricant. This stone will help to provide nourishment to you. Once you have swallowed it, you will require very little food."

Jarol took the stone and swallowed it. The potion helped it to pass into his stomach with only a minimum of discomfort. Next, she handed him two small metal objects, and asked him to hold them at his temples. She made small changes in their position, and once satisfied, she closed here eyes, and grasped a pendant in one hand, and another implement in the other. Jarol felt a small tingling sensation at his temples, and then nothing unusual. Shandra, however, moved as though something had struck her violently.

"The wards at your temples help to facilitate the power link between us. Before they were placed, I was able to receive some small amount of power from you. Now, I am able to utilize the full amount that your desire for me is generating. And I must say, that it is quite a bit of power. Thank you. Next, you must understand that since your desire is the source of my power, it would be bad for me if it were diminished in any way. These next few implements are to prevent you from causing yourself any pleasure. All of your desire must be focused on me, so I cannot allow you to waste any of it."

With that, she took what looked like a metal tube, and placed it over Jarol's right wrist. Jarol noted that it was etched with the same design as that on Shandra's pendant. She grasped the tube with one hand, and the pendant with the other. Once again, she closed her eyes. The tube began to shrink, until it was snug against the skin of Jarol's right arm. Jarol found that he could still move his hand, and arm in any way he wished, almost without noticing that the artifact was there. But he could see no hinge, joint, or seam on it, and was convinced that it would be completely impossible to remove it without Shandra's assistance. Shandra repeated this procedure on his left arm, and then on both of his legs.

"Are the bracers comfortable?" She asked.

Jarol could only nod. He was entranced, and was looking forward to any attention that she might provide to his manhood. Shandra stood, and motioned for him to lie down again. Once Jarol had done so, Shandra gripped her pendant, and immediately Jarol's arms and legs were pulled gently but firmly into a spread eagled position. He found that he was completely immobile. Shandra pulled gently at his clothes, and they tore away from him as though they were made of nothing more substantial than spiderwebs. She knelt on the bed next to him, and bent to kiss him tenderly on the lips. Her hand moved to the flesh between his legs, and he inhaled sharply. The feeling of her hand was exquisite. Wonderful sensations coursed through him, and Jarol gazed up into Shandra's eyes with an expression that was equal parts of lust, love, and gratitude.

"Thank you for the trust that you have placed in me, Jarol. Thank you for the power that you have given me, and for the sacrifice that you are making. I promise that you will be rewarded. And though I will take power, and pleasure, in the torment that you will endure for me, I hope you won't regret it too much."

With that, he watched her pick up a silvery cloth from the cart. She draped it over his erect manhood, and watched as she grasped the shaft with her right hand wrapped around the cloth, and again grasped the pendant with her left. A change came over the cloth. It seemed to shift, and flow, until it was perfectly contoured to the shape of his penis and scrotum. Jarol could still feel Shandra's hand on his shaft, but the feeling had changed. His muscles twitched involuntarily, and he could feel the movement, but somehow it felt different.

"Long ago, there was a special kind of glass that was used in certain situations. It allowed you to see through it one way, but if you looked at it from the other direction, it was like a mirror. That is how I got the idea for this. You are now covered with a kind of material that allows me to feel your penis as though there were nothing covering it. But I can selectively filter the amount of sensation that gets through it for you to feel. Right now, and for a while to come, it will allow enough sensation to feel good. Certainly, you will continue to be aroused. But it will not allow you to feel enough to cause you to reach orgasm."

With a degree of amazement, Jarol realized that she was right. She was also one of the most powerfully, intelligently, diabolical people that Jarol thought ever existed. But all of this was secondary to the exquisite feeling of her hand moving up and down on his shaft. Exquisite, but ultimately inadequate. Shedding her clothing, Shandra mounted him, and rode him for an immeasurable period of time. In that time, she came more often than he could remember. But he was kept at such a level of frustrated arousal that he nearly screamed. He pulled at his bonds, but the enchanted bands at his wrists and ankles would not move at all. After a very long and frustrating time, Shandra lay down on top of Jarol. He was still inside her as she fell asleep. Jarol was not tired at all. For all of the time that Shandra slept, and it must have been at least twelve hours, Jarol lay beneath the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, with his manhood buried inside her, barely able to move, and desperate to come.

When Shandra finally awoke, she smiled, bent down to kiss Jarol, and thanked him. She went to freshen herself, leaving Jarol splayed on the bed, and when she returned, she straddled his head, and had him use his lips and tongue. After she had once again been satisfied, she rose, and dressed. Jarol found that he could move, and he went over to Shandra, and hugged her from behind.

"Thank you, Jarol. I know how hard this has been for you." She turned, and smirked at him. "And I feel a little sorry for you. But I will make this worth it for you, I promise. And I had a wonderful time. You should take some refreshment now. There is a little food, and some water over there." She pointed.

Jarol went over to a table, and consumed a little bread, and some cheese, and drank half a gallon of water. He looked back at Shandra, who looked as though she were getting ready to leave.

"Jarol, I must go now, and attend to the defense of Kishra. You have been most helpful. And I think you are enjoying this just a little. But you won't be bored while I am gone."

Shandra grasped her pendant, and closed her eyes. Even as Shandra stood in the middle of the room, a woman who looked exactly like her strode into view. This new Shandra was indistinguishable from the woman who had been with him since he was working on the irrigation trenches at Westreach.

"This is a seeming, Jarol. It is a magical duplicate of me. And it will... keep you occupied while I am away dealing with my own affairs." She looked at the seeming, and smirked again; "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." With that, Shandra shimmered, and disappeared.

Jarol stood, stunned, gazing at the spot where Shandra had stood only moments before. She had shimmered like a mirage, and vanished. Perhaps that's what she was, a mirage. A twisted fantasy from the depths of his own mind. But then, the seeming sauntered over to him, and placed its (her?) arms around his neck. She kissed him, and Jarol was instantly too lost in his own desire to think about what had just happened. The seeming was insatiable. It didn't appear to achieve orgasm at any point, but it never tired, and never stopped giving Jarol pleasure. Jarol was at the edge, as he had been for hours. Perhaps it had even been days, as there was no way to sense the passing of time. Since he never got tired, never slept, and was almost never hungry or thirsty, perhaps it had been days. The seeming was the most amazing thing that Jarol had ever imagined. She used her hands, her mouth, and her genitals to provide relentless, and continuous stimulation to Jarol. Whatever Jarol wanted, she did. Except that Jarol couldn't come.

At some point, Jarol stopped thinking of the seeming as a magical creation. He thought only of Shandra. He loved Shandra, and he wanted to please her. And he was absolutely frantic to relieve his burning lust. But this was not to be. No matter what he did with the lovely creation in the room with him, he could not reach that ultimate peak. It was as though he had been sent to a twisted version of hell. But Jarol doubted that hell was so well appointed, and had such lovely attendants.

Eventually, Shandra returned. Jarol had not noticed at first, as he was busy pounding into the seeming from behind, his hands on its hips. Shandra watched, smiling for some minutes. Once she'd had enough of being a mere spectator, she shed her clothes, and caused the seeming to turn Jarol over onto his back, and begin fellating him. Shandra then mounted his face, and rode his tongue to a series of wonderful orgasms. Following this, Shandra dismissed the seeming, and moved back to look at Jarol. There was a wild look in his eyes. Shandra moved back to impale herself on him, and looked deeply into his eyes. She grasped her pendant, and Jarol's limbs splayed slowly toward the corners of the bed. Jarol's breathing changed, and Shandra began to move very slowly.

"We have won our first battle, Jarol. It is the first of many, but we have won. I want you to win too, Jarol. I am letting all of the sensation through now, Jarol. So now, there is nothing stopping you. You may come now, Jarol. Except that I'm not moving fast enough yet, am I? Do you want to come, Jarol?"

Jarol nodded so furiously, Shandra worried briefly that he might hurt himself. Shandra continued moving at an agonizingly slow pace.

"I want you to Jarol. Come for me."

But she continued at such a slow pace. She planted her hands on his chest, and gazed deeply into his eyes. And after a long time, she sped up just a little. Just the tiniest bit, but it was enough. Jarol came, and his eruption was the longest, most intense experience that he had ever imagined. Shandra kept moving, and Jarol was wracked by the spasms of his orgasm, and then when she kept moving, by unbearably intense aftershocks. Shandra kept moving until Jarol screamed, and for just a bit longer.

Jarol was insensible for several minutes following this. He had another, agonizing, aftershock when Shandra pulled off of him, and several more over the next few minutes. At length, he calmed down enough for intelligent conversation.

"Thank you, Jarol."

"Thank you, Mistress Shandra!"

"We won our first battle."

"I'm very glad, Mistress Shandra!"

"Yes, I imagine you are, Jarol."

"How long was it?"

"Twelve days, Jarol."

"I had no idea. It seemed like so much less, and so much more."

"That will undoubtedly get better, Jarol. And worse. Still want to help?"

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Page last updated 06-Sep-06 by: Altairboy@aol.com