Happy Christmas Darling

Submitted by: sammyd

My relationship with Debbie was always pretty stormy in more ways than one. Sex was brilliant but living with her and her acid tongue was getting a bit wearing. Over the three years we had been together I had often thought about leaving but Debs willing mouth was all that was needed to get me to stay with her.

Out latest holiday had been pretty fraught even by our standards. She seemed to pick fault with everything I did outside of the bedroom. It was almost the last day when I was waiting for her to get her hair done when I saw the answer to out problems.

I was thumbing through a few women's magazines in the resorts hairdresser when I came upon the article about Chastilock Corp. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

The reporter had gone and gotten herself a ChastiLock device fitted. Not a removable one but a permanent one for Christ sakes! Looking at the photo, she looked pretty normal but her voice was silenced. She could speak normally when in the office but outside, she was totally dumb unless her boyfriend adjusted the settings to her device. The reporter went on to say how she had adapted to her change in life and that she was considering getting further ChastiLock devices fitted to herself.

I kept reading the article and could not believe what I was reading.

My readings were interrupted by the arrival of a freshly coiffeur red Debbie. She had gone and done what she threatened to do, and gone Blonde. I had to admit that my doubts were well and truly thrown in the bin. She looked ravishing. A great improvement over the mousy brown she had sported ever since we met.

"You look Great Debs!"

"Thank you Darling" She replied and kissed me gently.

"Are you all done here?"

"Yes. I just need to pay the bill"

"Ok, I'll see you outside"

She turned away to pay the bill. I quickly tore the article out of the magazine and stuffed it in my pocket.

That evening, all the sweetness and light that had emanated from Debbie at the hairdressers was long gone. The reason? Her clam chowder was too salty! I ask you, its seafood for Christ sakes! It will always have some residual salt. I thought it was fine but no, Debbie had to make a scene. It was not nice and I felt really embarrassed to be there. This convinced me that there was no other option to follow.

When we got home and back to some form of normality, I broached the topic of her mouth and the problems it got her and us into. She had actually recognised this sometime before but this was crunch time.

"Debbie, I have just about had enough of your mouth and the problems it gets you and us into"

"I know my darling. I do try to keep it under control"

"Yes, you are very trying. This last holiday was the final straw. Unless you do something about it now, we are through"

There I had said it.

"Oh Darling" cried Debbie as she tried to wrap her arms around me.

I pulled away.

"No Debs. I'm very serious about this. You can't change. So, I am going to get you changed. If you don't do what I want, then I'm off. For GOOD!"

She started crying.

"What do you want me to do darling?"

"Here read this" I said pulling out the article.

She took the article and read it. She started crying.

"I have made an appointment for us at their HQ for next Friday. If you don't come with me then I'm leaving you for good. There are no ifs buts or maybes Debs. This is crunch time"

"You want me to be silent for ever? How could I do my job?"

"No Debs. You will be able to speak normally at work and at other places but your ability to speak at all will be totally under my control. When you are with me, you will not be able to speak a word ever again unless I change the settings on your device. This is forever Debs. In fact, after the last outburst, I could quite happily go through the rest of my life without hearing your voice in anger again"

"But Darling...."

"No Buts Debs. I'm totally serious".

She went off to sulk.

Friday morning came and Debs had said nothing more to me since the confrontation earlier in the week.

I made preparations to leave for ChastiLock.

I sat in the car with the engine running. Would she come?

Finally, I switched off and went back into the house. I started packing up my belongings.

"What are you doing?" she demanded.

"It's over Debbie. I'm leaving. I gave you a choice but you didn't accept it. So I'm carrying out my promise"

"My Darling!!"

She knelt down and tried to open my flies.

It was obvious she wanted to win my affections with a blow job.

"No Debbie. That won't work anymore. I gave you a plain choice but you have refused the option that would allow us to stay together".

"But Darling"

I pushed her away and carried on with my packing.

It was late on Saturday when I finally removed the last of my belongings from my former home. I had rented a room in a shared house on the other side of town. It was not very salubrious so a lot of my things went into storage until I found somewhere more permanent.

Over the next two months, I gradually got my life in order once more. I found a nice apartment and moved in. It was actually better that the one I had shared with Debbie. This was mine and mine alone. I had dated a few women but nothing special was happening in my life until about a week before Christmas.

I was just opening a beer after a particularly hard week when the phone rang.


"Hi, is that a Mr Mark Taylor?"

Who could this be?

"Yes. Who is calling?"

"My name is Samantha Wilson and I work for ChastiLock"

Stranger and Stranger.

"We have a client named Ms Deborah Jones."

I thought for a moment. Debbie!

"Yes" I said puzzled.

"And you live at ..."

She quoted my address perfectly.

"Yes that is true"

"Good. You will receive a package in the mail tomorrow"

"What's this all about?" I asked.

"I can't say exactly. I really don't know. As far as I know it will all be explained in the package you will receive tomorrow?"

I was dumbstruck.

"Ok. Thank you Samantha. I will look out for a package tomorrow"


I hardly slept that night.

I took a sickie the next day and waited for the mail. Around 10:00 am, the package arrived.

I opened it to find a letter from Debbie.

Dear Mark,

I miss you so much and want us to be together. I have finally taken your advice and done something about my loud mouth. Yes, I have had a ChastiLock device fitted. Not the one you wanted but I hope it will still be effective though.

This device has disabled my loud voice for ever. I can only speak with a whisper now. If I try to shout then I get an electric shock in my Vagina. Yes, I have a ChastiLock installed there as well. That one is not permanent but it can't be removed until my voice is silenced by the remote control.

The remote control that you have received in the package is the only one that can control me. Yes my darling, you have now the total control you wanted over my life.

Yes Darling, my Christmas present to you is my life. I am yours to do with as you want.

I will be waiting for you on Christmas Day to give myself to you forever.


There was a set of instructions on how to use the remote control. I read it with very mixed feelings. In fact, I shed a tear or two myself before the day was out. I got to the end of the manual and had to admit that the people at ChastiLock had done a great job with the features they had built into the devices.

I didn't sleep much that night or any night until Christmas. I was totally undecided as to what to do about Debbie.

Christmas day dawned clear and bright. The City was quiet and peaceful. I pottered around at home until late morning when I put my coat on, picked up the remote and went out.

It took only 15 minutes to drive to my old home. I saw the curtains twitch when I drew into the driveway.

I went up to the front door and it was open. I pushed it open and went inside.


I heard a sound from the bedroom.

I took my coat off and hung it on its old hook. I removed the remote control from the pocket and carried it with me.

I went into the bedroom and there she was. We had done some light bondage at times but today, she had chained herself to the bed. Her legs were spread wide and obviously waiting for me to take her. Her vaginal device was plainly visible. A chain from it was connected to the bottom of the bed.

"Happy Christmas Debbie"

"Happy Christmas Darling". Came a barely audible whisper from her mouth.

"So, you went and did it eh?"

"Yes Darling" she replied.

"You want me back then?"

"Oh yes please. You are the only one for me. I know that now and that is why I did this"

"Well Debbie, I have come to a decision and I am going to give you your Christmas present"

"Oh thank you Master" she whispered.

"Oh don't thank me. Thank you Debbie"

"Where are the keys?" I asked.

"On the kitchen table" she replied.

I went and got them and released her limbs from their bounds. I then locked her hands behind her back using one of the handcuffs she had used for locking herself to the bed.

I picked up the remote control and pressed a series of buttons in a sequence I had mentally rehearsed for several days.

The first was to make her totally silent.

The second was to start the vaginal vibrator on maximum

The third was to set the shock level to maximum

She started writhing around with pleasure. She made a sound and got her due reward. The chain securing her vaginal ChastiLock to the bed stopped her from going anywhere. I backed out of the bedroom and placed the keys that would release her from the bed on the floor within her reach.

I turned to her and said.

"Happy Christmas Debbie. And the rest of your Life Debbie. I have gotten used to being without you. I don't want you any more. I'm leaving now. Goodbye"

I dropped the remote control on the bed and crushed it under my heel.

As I walked out into the bright winter sun, I remembered the warning on the last page of the instruction manual.

"If the Remote control is damaged or destroyed then the settings in place at that time will become permanent. ChastiLock cannot be held responsible for any problems that this may bring about"

I shut her front door and left to get on with the rest of my life.

"Happy Christmas Darling. I hope you never forget this one"

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Page last updated 05-Aug-22 by: Altairboy@aol.com