69 Days

Submitted by: william

i have been in my belt for nine weeks, three days, and fourteen hours. Mistress has milked me regularly, generally played with me, etc., but i really, really, really would like an orgasm.

i’m sure some guys are saying, "Pish, sixty-six days is nothing. I can do that standing on my head." To those people i say it is nothing FOR YOU. i’M not YOU and i’d really, really, really like an orgasm and i can’t stand on my head. Really.

Wanting an orgasm is why i am sore now.

No, it is not a good soreness.

You see Mistress ordered me to change a light bulb in an overhead light. After I got on the chair she told me to put my hands behind my back. I did and the handcuffs clicked. Then she left.

Now i should tell you about my knee. i was not perfectly trapped. There was some chance my knee would hold if i tried to get down. There was also a chance i’d break my neck if i tried without hands to balance me and break a fall if the knee buckled.

Mistress knew this. Mistress assumed i was smart enough to stay on the chair.

She was right until she said from the kitchen, "If you get here in the next minute you can orgasm."

If i had a brain she’d find me standing on the chair crying.

It’d been nine weeks, three days, and fourteen hours since my last time. i stepped down. i remembered seeing the floor come up to meet my head. The next thing i recall is getting a cold compress on my head in the ambulance. I noticed my hands were free and i wasn’t wearing the belt. Then I noticed in the ambulance was the most beautiful woman in the world and she was crying.

"i’m OK," i say. Mistress claimed the use of "OK" was disrepectful. My first mistake was saying OK when she expressly forbids it. My second Mistake was trying to sit up.

i laid back down and she said that she is so sorry.

"i appreciate it," i say, "but the decision was mine and so was the fault." As i say this i test movement in all my limbs. Everything works. It just hurts. "they’ll keep me for observation but i’ll be O, um, all right."

"william," she says, "It’s OK, to say ‘OK’ this time."

i’d laugh if it didn’t hurt. She kisses me. God, i hurt, but i love her

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Page last updated 03-May-31 by: Altairboy@aol.com