The Costs of Post-Marital Masturbation - Part 2

Submitted by: Laura, the Controlling Wife
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Male masturbation is evil. It is a social taboo, and it is inexorably linked to spousal abuse, divorce, date-rape, social tension, and a number of other social problems. It gives the male an opportunity to not be responsible for his actions, in a most negative and ominous way. It destroys relationships and lives, and it cannot be tolerated, under any circumstances.

What did I get myself into, he thought. I'm sure that's what he thought. Well, marriage is a sacred institution, and it is one predicated on mutual trust and mutual respect. Male masturbation is not trustful or respectful behavior. It says to the are worth nothing. I can replace your whole existence with just a prurient, lustful image or thought.. It is used for nothing more than self-gratification, and it contributes nothing to the relationship. Male masturbation, because of its underlying motives, has no place in a relationship or marriage.

Female masturbation is quite different. The female is a sensual, caring, loving, forgiving, kind being who wants to contribute all to the relationship and build it to something that gives mutual gratification and benefit, with the understanding that both parties must give and then receive, equally. Since the female is the host and facilitator to all true relationships, she must be given the privilege and opportunity to sensually explore her sexuality, through masturbation, lesbian relationships, and relationships outside the primary relationship or marriage. Her experience is a continuing learning process, wherein she teaches the uni-directed, mentally-subordinate male to become more open and giving and caring.

I've had many experiences and relationships with many different men-and women--, but my decision to take Jeffery-he prefers Jeff, as he feels that this version is more masculine- as my husband was based upon a number of factors. One, he is educated and intellectually curious. Two, he is physically well-maintained and self-driven to stay that way. Three, he has a stable and excellent career that affords us an affluent lifestyle- he is a board certified trial lawyer. Fourth, I really believe that he loves me, and I believe that he is as close to a soul mate as any male can be to a female.

With these factors as a basis, I decided that we would be married. It is always the woman's choice.make no mistake about it. Within the marriage, however, I have certain expectations that include faithfulness, devotion, support, caring, and love. Masturbation does not fit into these expectations. In fact, it runs counter to them. I will not tolerate anything that is inconsistent with my ideas about marriage-masturbation, drinking, drugs, laziness, uncouth behavior, politically-incorrect views or beliefs, homophobia, intolerance, unfairness, harshness, mean spiritedness, violence, et al. In the marital relationship, the woman, whether she takes a submissive docile appearance, such as in the typical feminine role, or whether she takes a quasi submissive docile appearance with a touch of assertiveness, she is in absolute control of the relationship. The man does not have the capacity to lead in this area-the relationship-and the relationship is the most important aspect of marriage, not the career, not his opinions or hobbies or habits, or ideas about marriage or relationships or anything. He does not have the capacity to be in control. The marital relationship is lead and controlled by the woman, always. There is no other way that the relationship can be successful. Divorce occurs when the man cannot or will not submit to the woman's absolute authority in this area. Yes, he may have the sustaining career, but the relationship is the absolute and sole domain of the woman and the most important aspect of life.

My actions toward him in controlling his masturbation, through chastity control, punishment, through eliciting other females, both at work and home, may seem harsh, but the woman must control the relationship, by whatever means necessary to ensure a serious and prosperous relationship. It is her absolute right to employ these methods and any other means or methods necessary to gain and sustain this control. So, eliciting the help of Cindy and Emily and the Senior partner in Jeff's firm was absolutely justified and necessary to bring Jeffery into control. Chastity and his introduction to submissive and feminized status were also necessary for the relationship to proceed as it must, under the control and direction of the primary-the woman.

[ Story continues in part 3 ]
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Page last updated 02-Jun-02 by: