Excuse the Interruption

by: Altairboy@aol.com

Thank you kindly for your e-mails and telephone calls of support. I was astonished and touched by the friendly, supportive and worried messages I received these last few days. Rest easy, friends, I am well.

The System administrators at www.tpe.com were in no way were responsible for my absence from the web these past few days. They have always been very kind, extremely gracious and helpful. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable kink friendly site.

I created this site with the desire to share the information freely with whoever else might have an interest in chastity belts. Blame me for the interruption. It was a case of human error, and bad judgement. Mea Culpa.

As for the future, updates and additions will require outside assistance. For some time, I have been struggling to balance my personal, professional, and family life with the time I spent managing this website. I freely admit I can no longer manage it alone.


Page last updated 00-Sep-16 by: Altairboy@aol.com