Rudi's Goethals Experiment Results

Submitted by: Rudi

Dear Altairboy,

Since my last mail to you, I have had enough time to test the inner latex tube of my Goethals belt intensively. To shorten a long story: I finally gave up the idea of an inner tube, after trying different sizes, which differs in length an thickness.

I found out that the Goethals belt works most effective, at least for me, without an inner tube around my penis. But nevertheless there is still an latex addition to the standard belt, I find very comfortable. The original rubber at the tube entrance is still latex coated, so that the pressure is spread out to a larger area on my pubic bone. In adition there is no more chafing at the base of the penis. (tight fit).

I wear my belt in this shape now for five weeks with the longest continous period of 120 hours. Surprisingly my long for an orgasm has decreased much. I think this is the result of lesser friction between tube and penis. With the complete latex tube there is allways a light stimulation to the penis but it is hard come, whereas without the inner tube there is lesser stimulation but easier to come, if You know what I mean.

In order to calm down some readers: It is still hardly possible to achieve an orgasm whithin this belt. I only manage it, when I haven't had sex for a whole week.

Another author in the guestbook gave me more to think: Why is it that so many men write, that they keep their (female) relatives in chastity belts without reporting about their experiences? Hey guys, are you pretending to do things you are just dreaming of?

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