The Belt - Chapter 2

Submitted by: Anon

I couldn't get used to the belt. I had worn it for months, but it was never like this. It felt tight. Not uncomfortable, but snug and secure. I tried in vain to slip it off. It barely budged. Using a mirror, I could look through the tiny bars that covered the openeing to the penis tube. I could barely make out the tip of my penis. It was caged. Sometimes, I would get aroused and I would feel it begin to grow. It would strain against the interior of the belt, then begin to shrink, as if it knew it was trapped.

I never realized how beautiful the belt was. It shined like a mirror and had subtle curves that hugged my hips and enveloped my crotch. The keyhole stared ominously at me when I looked in the mirror. It too shined with a glossy finish. The belt was like a piece of jewelry. But it was on me and I couldn't get it off and I hated it.

One day, I had a bright idea and went to see an orthopedic surgeon. I figured if the belt couldn't be cut off, maybe my body could. He stared in shock, laughed, said something about dozens of surgeries, mutilation, castration, and threw me out of his office saying I'd better get used to getting it up the ass. What was I thinking? It was the thoughts of a desperate man.

I did take the doctor up on his little recommendation, though. I bought a vibrator from a sextoy store and began to use it on myself. I inserted it deep inside me and pressed it against the front of my anus. With the vibrator on, I came closer to an organism than I had in months. I never came, of course, but I felt the waves that precede a orgasm and it was better than I had ever imagined.

One day, I was laying on the couch, about to have one of my pseud-orgasms, when the phone rang.

"Hey stranger!! Haven't heard your voice in awhile!"

"Gina!! Is that you?"

"You betcha'! How ya been?"

"Not bad. Are you home?"

"Just got back. Mom told me about what happened at your house. Tough break. Are you okay?"

"I wasn't home. I'm fine."

"What did you lose?"


"I bet the belt survived! HA! Nothing could break that!"

"It sure did. I was wearing it at the time. Too bad the key wasn't made of the same material as the belt."

"You're kidding, right?"

" I wish I was Gina. I've been trapped for months. There's no way to get it off."

"Maybe I could help."


"With my copy of the key."

Click. The phone hang up.

Oh shit! She had a copy.

"Gina, I'd really love to hear about your trip. But I have other things on my mind."

We were sitting at a neighborhood restaurant eating dinner. She had asked me out. She showed up wearing a black leather miniskirt and knee-high boots with a black leather jacket. This from a girl who thought "dressing-up" was clean jeans and Keds.

"I had such a great time. I had an unlimited budget and a team of twenty engineers working for ME! I had so much power. It felt so good. We earned the research contract and I nabbed the promotion. I'm a division chief now. My salary tripled!"

"Gina, back to the key."

"Oh yeah. I made a copy as an emergency in case you fucked up. Good idea huh?"

"Great idea. Where is it?"

"Things are different now. I`ve grown to love power. The thought of having you locked makes me wetter than I've ever been before. I think things should stay the way they are for awhile. By the way, have you been getting off at all?"

" I can't jerk off with my dick locked up in a cage you bitch! I've been fucking myself up the ass with a friggin dildo. Now where's the key!"

"Shut up and watch the way you speak to me. If you ever want to be able to touch your dick again, you'd better learn to respect me."

I couldn't believe this! What happened to her?

"Pay the fucking check. We're going back to my place."

I realize now I had made a mistake. When she pulled out the handcuffs, I should have known that she had changed. She locked them around my wrists and I felt them closing tight. She attached them to a chain hanging from the center of the room and pulled my arms up high behind my back until I was bent over. My legs were shackled next with a pair of ankle cuffs and I realized that I was helplessly chained by I girl that I didn't know as well as I thought.

She approached me with a piece of hollow pipe about five inches long wth a fitting at one end. It was shiny and hard, like my belt. She greased it up with some vaseline and slid it up my ass. I thought she was trying to get me off until I heard a click. It was the same click I heard when I locked the belt on.

"It's called an anal tube. I designed it myself. It locks onto the belt quite nicely. Don't worry. It's hollow so you can still shit."

She began unlocking my chains.

"This should keep you from getting off with a dildo. I want you for myself. Oh, since your ass is held open now, I'd be careful. There's nothing to keep you from shitting your pants. Better wear a Depends or something. Now get out!"

There I was, staring at her as her apartment door slammed in my face. Not only was I locked up, but I was violated. I felt it in me. It blocked all sensation up my ass. The door swung open again.

"I forgot. Your birthday is next week! Come by at eight for your present."


---To be continued---

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